Kids These Days Have Never Even Seen These 13 Things
Jul 17, 2018
The internet can be a crazy place, especially with all of the weird slang terms kids are using these days! But, you can take comfort in the fact that you can recognize a lot of the following items that many people under the age of 30 would just stare at blankly. Let’s take a look at what they are!
1. Pager
Whether you were a businessperson or just a very social person, pagers were THE item to carry on you. A pager would receive messages for you and you would have to call the person back at the number they left for you. It was a crazy way to communicate back in the day!
2. Cassette Tapes
You used to have to rewind and fast-forward to get to the one song you liked out of a dozen when you listened to a cassette tape. And do you remember what a mixtape was? Those were the good old days for sure!
3. VHS Tapes
Young children will never know how mad you could be when someone “taped” over one of your favorite shows on a VHS tape. These tapes were big and clunky but at least they didn’t scratch!
4. Camera Flashes Khyzhynskiy
When you owned your own camera you were pretty cool! But having one with a flash was even better. Some of them were so big you couldn’t even put it in your pocket!
5. Skate keys
We used to go out and hang with friends instead of binge-watching Netflix all day. Roller rinks were a popular spot to hang out at back in the day with friends and schoolmates, and you always needed a skate key to make sure your skates were tight enough!
6. Church Keys
These keys opened up cans by punching one big hole and one small hole into the sides. Who would have thought that pop tabs were a somewhat newer invention?
7. Floppy Disks
Years ago, a floppy disk may have been on your new school supply list. You saved your assignments on them and could take them in and out of the computer. Kids today have no idea what they are!
8. Tube Testers
If your vacuum tubes acted up, you would take them to this machine and test them to find out which one was the broken one. It was a big deal back then and more trouble than you would think! Plus, these tubes were in the old box televisions, as well.
9. Film Canisters
Remember when you had to carefully take pictures because your roll only had 24 or 30 shots on it? You chose carefully, didn’t you? Then you had to send them away to be developed. How did we manage not being able to take a 1,000 pictures and then choosing the ones we like the most?
10. Record Adapters
Some kids do know what a record is as they are coming back around. But a record adapter? You can’t find them anymore! When you wanted to play one of your seven-inch singles on your record player, you needed to use one of these to make the record fit.
11. Library Card Catalogs
Forget Google and Siri. When you wanted information, you headed to your local library and searched through the card catalog to find out where the book you needed was placed. Many kids get lost in the library nowadays!
12. Credit Card Imprinter
Back then, you didn’t swipe your card or insert the chip to make a transaction. Cashiers took an impression of your credit card on a clunky, hand-held machine. You don’t see these around anymore!
13. Typewriter Eraser
When you printed something on a typewriter you needed a small brush to get rid of the small rubber bits that were left behind. You can’t find one of these today!
Did you recognize any of these items? Let us know in the comments, and show this to a friend to see if they recognize them, too!