Kelly Clarkson Teams Up With Pink For The Ultimate Performance Of 'Everybody Hurts'
Apr 03, 2020
Award-winning musicians Kelly Clarkson and Pink joined forces on stage to perform a duet of R.E.M.’s ‘90’s hit Everybody Hurts at the 2017 American Music Awards (AMAs), which were held in front of a packed audience at Los Angeles’ Microsoft Theater.

Not only are both performers excellent, Grammy-award winning singers, but the two also share an admiration for each other — and it shows on stage. Pink opens the performance from one side of the stage, with her signature neon pink hair and a leather biker jacket. A few seconds later, Clarkson emerges, and the two eventually join in the middle — both singing their hearts out, showing off their dynamic vocal range. Individually, both stars are artistic forces to become reckoned with, but as soon as the artists join forces, the stage almost can’t contain the vocal talent that’s on display. But don’t just take it from me — both accomplished singers find each other towering musical talents, too.
In a Tweet before the 2017 AMAs performance, Clarkson wrote, “Gonna play it super cool whilst singing with @Pink this Sunday at the #AMAs ....but know on the inside I will be freaking the &$@! out 😬 #oneofthegreatestvocalistsofourgeneration #sheissorad #sundayissofarfromnow.” Clearly nervous to sing in front of the Emmy award winning pop powerhouse, it’s safe to say that Clarkson was a bit star struck. But Pink was quick to calm Clarkson’s fears and return the compliment on Twitter.
“You're joking!,” Pink wrote in response the same day. “I am humbly prepared to be outsung:) I adore you and I cannot wait.”
Since the 2017 performance, which went on to receive a standing ovation from the other celebrities and star musicians at the AMAs, the two pop idols have continued to praise each other for both their respective musical talents and their similar personalities. According to Today, in a 2018 interview for the Spotify podcast The Rewind With Guy Raz, Clarkson opened up about how she has trouble relating to most celebrities, emphasizing that she did not care about being famous — unlike many pop stars.
"I've been able to make an amazing life for my family, but my husband (Brandon Blackstock) and I are very low-key people,” she told Raz. "The only time I honestly ever get nervous in this industry, it has nothing to do with performance. It's being around famous people because I don’t … most famous people I am not similar to,” she added.
But Clarkson was quick to say that there’s one big exception that comes to mind: Pink and her husband, Carey Hart. "I think the couple that we ran into, funny enough, that my husband and I were like, 'I would actually hang with them,' was Pink and her husband (Carey Hart), 'cause it was, like, they seem super normal,” she said in the podcast interview.
Beyond sharing musical talent and appreciation for American rock, the two seem to have similar down-to-earth values that might have led to a stronger musical chemistry on stage. And if not, the stunning performance certainly makes it seem as if the two are on the same musical wavelength. From their individual strengths as singers to their impeccable harmonies as a duo, the performance is one audience members are sure to remember. It’s worth taking the time to pause and watch the whole performance to appreciate just how moving music can be when its taken to a high level by two pop legends.
What do you think of Pink and Kelly Clarkson's rendition of R.E.M.'s Everybody Hurts? Are you a Pink or Clakrson fan? Let us know and be sure to pass this superb duet on to all your musical friends and family members.