Kate Middleton Reportedly ‘Reconnecting’ With Prince William As He Gives Update On Her Health

Jun 12, 2024

Early 2024 saw the British royal family rocked by news of serious health issues. Buckingham Palace announced on Jan. 17, 2024, that King Charles III was scheduled to undergo hospital treatment the following week for an enlarged prostate. The next day, his wife, Queen Camilla, said Charles was feeling “fine” and “looking forward to getting back to work.” 

That same day, Kensington Palace revealed in a statement that the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, had undergone abdominal surgery that had been scheduled the day prior at the London Clinic. It said the surgery had been “successful” and that the princess would remain at the hospital for a 10–14-day recovery period. 

News of the pair’s hospitalization led to an outpouring of well wishes and support from their supporters across the world. However, things turned out to be as saddening as anyone could have expected.

In February 2024, it was revealed that King Charles III was diagnosed with cancer. Following that, the public became very interested in knowing how Kate had been doing after she hadn’t been seen publicly for some time. After weeks of speculation, Kate squashed the rumors and appeared in a tearful video announcing her own cancer diagnosis. 

Meanwhile, Prince William also took the time to be by his family’s side following the announcement of Kate's condition. On June 5, 2024, Prince William went to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Portsmouth, England, where he was asked by a veteran about the health condition of his wife, Kate, and his reply revealed a hopeful update.

Kate Middleton (2022), (IMAGO/i Images)

As Charles and Kate took time off from their royal duties, other family members stepped up in their absence, particularly their respective spouses, Queen Camilla and Prince William. With the support of their loved ones, Charles and Kate were given the time and space to prioritize their recovery. Facing their health challenges together, they have also comforted each other. 

In the same hospital, Charles reportedly visited Kate at her bedside. The day before Kate announced her cancer diagnosis, she and Charles shared a private lunch. After sharing the news with the world, a Buckingham Palace representative said the king was “so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did” and that he “remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks.” 

According to royal watchers, the pair have always shared a strong bond. Author Robert Hardman told Hello! Magazine:

“It's very clear that (Charles is) extremely concerned about her. I think he wants to make sure as much as he can that if there's anything he can do, he will do, because for a very fit and healthy young mother, this is a different order of magnitude to someone having to deal with this in their 70s.”

During this challenging time, the Princess of Wales has also found comfort in her family and friends. According to royal expert Katie Nicholl, Kate has a “really tight group of friends and, particularly in Norfolk, really close friends there. But I think the real anchors in her life are her parents and her brother James... and her sister Pippa.”  

“While you certainly don't see them photographed together very often, they are very much there in the background. They are absolutely fundamental,” she added.


Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (2017), (IMAGO/Starface)

Some experts raised the prospect of Kate returning to her duties earlier than expected. Royal correspondent Cameron Walker said due to “the princess's cancer diagnosis, she is undergoing preventative chemotherapy at the moment,” but suggested the princess may feel up to the task of taking on a few appearances should she feel like it.

“What I am hearing from those close to the Princess is that she may well decide to attend certain events if she feels up to it, and if she's keen to go,” Walker said.

However, he dismissed the likelihood of Kate resuming the full extent of her duties any time soon.

"But in terms of a return to full-scale public duties and as a full-time working royal, I suspect that will take some time,” he remarked.

Despite this, Walker remained optimistic about seeing the princess up and back on her feet as soon as her doctors allowed her.

“But perhaps, maybe we’ll see her at some point this summer. But it just honestly depends on how her treatment goes.”

On March 28, 2024, Daily Express captured a photo of the Prince and Princess of Wales’ helicopter leaving Adelaide Cottage in Windsor. 

“Princess Kate and William snapped in helicopter on way to spend Easter break at Anmer Hall,” the caption said. 

According to Entertainment Tonight, Kate, William, and their children – Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Loius – were headed to Anmer Hall, which is located on Sandringham Estate. 

A Kensington Palace official also confirmed, as reported by Express, that Kate wouldn’t be reappearing to resume her royal duties after Easter Sunday. The spokesperson shared: "The Princess will return to official duties when she is cleared to do so by her medical team. She is in good spirits and is focused on making a full recovery."

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge (2017), (IMAGO/Parsons Media)

As the news of King Charles and Kate’s diagnoses put another big dent in the future of the British monarchy, reports surfaced that the Waleses were feeling anxious about Charles’ health condition, which may lead to William ascending the throne sooner than expected. 

Former Vanity Fair and The New Yorker editor Tina Brown revealed that William and Kate have experienced intense turmoil behind the scenes.

“The almost simultaneous news of Charles’ cancer has put William and Catherine in frightening proximity to ascending the throne just when they had hoped for a span of years to parent their children out of the public eye. The prospect of it, I am told, is causing them intense anxiety,” Brown wrote.

William and Kate’s possible quick ascendancy to the throne could yield differing outcomes. However, they wouldn’t worry about the support and trust of the public because they have touched many lives in the past during their tenure as working royals.

Blackpool resident Paul Philip Roberts told BBC he had an inspiring encounter with Kate back in 2019. Shortly after undergoing lung cancer surgery, Roberts met Kate, who was visiting Blackpool Tower at the time to tour for a series of projects focused on regeneration.  

"She did a walkabout, William went on one side and she came the other side, she came to my side, and we were chatting for a good five minutes. I was saying, 'my life has changed', it was so difficult, you've got to go through every emotion,” Roberts recalled about his interaction with Kate. “She said 'just keep going' and she gave us a hug,” Roberts added. "She wished me all the luck in the world and she listened. She cared, and that's one thing that struck me – she cares."

Prince William (2024), (IMAGO/i Images)

On April 18, 2024, William publicly appeared and helped load food and cooking equipment at the food and distribution charity Surplus to Supper in Sunbury-on-Thames, Surrey. One of the volunteers, 71-year-old Rachel Candappa, interacted with William and handed him two get-well-soon cards for Kate and King Charles. 

A visibly moved William thanked Candappa: “Thank you, you are very kind.” Just as the helper asked William to look after his wife, he placed his hand on her shoulder and promised: “I will.” 

According to an interview with Candappa on The Mirror, she revealed that the night before, she wondered if she would have a chance to give the card directly to palace officials – not knowing that she would hand it personally to William. 

"I said 'can I shake your hand?', I loved it, he was very down to earth. I'm never washing my hand again,” she added. 

Candappa also shared with the publication the contents of her letter to Kate. 

"Nation's hearts were broken when you very courageously went on the global stage on your own to talk about your personal health issues. With no trimmings or flowering around issues, you gave the chance just few chosen words to assure anyone who cares to listen that you will fight this dreadful "C" disease. You must have had a lot of steel in you to hold it together,” she wrote. "Your Royal Highness you are going to beat this with the support of your dutiful and loving husband, caring parents and very close siblings. It's no miracle not only His Majesty the King but the whole world is proud how you are focusing on to keep healthy and protect your children through this difficult times. You have not stepped a foot wrong to date and don't let anyone say otherwise. The whole nation will be behind you."

Prince William, Prince of Wales (2024), (IMAGO/Spotlight Royal)

In an event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings on June 5, 2024, Prince William spoke to one of the veterans who attended the ceremony and gave another update on how Kate was doing. One of the veterans William spoke with had an impromptu question about whether Kate was “getting any better.” 

The Prince of Wales promptly and sincerely responded and said “Yes,” before adding “she'd love to be here today."

"I was reminding everyone her grandmother served at Bletchley Park, so she had quite a few in common with some of the ladies here who were at Bletchley,” William told the veteran. "It's lovely to see you. I will see you in five years' time for the 85th.”

On social media, fans showered their appreciation to the Prince after his endearing exchange with the veteran. 

“Gotta love this man for his respectful question about the princess,” a user tweeted on X, formerly Twitter. 

“So sweet that this mighty war hero asks sweetly after the health of the Princess.  These are truly decent people,” one mused. 

“Aw she definitely would have and how wonderful to hear she is doing really well 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️,” another said. 

“All around the world we share our love and concern for The Princess of Wales. May she convalesce in the knowledge she is dearly beloved and we wish for her full recovery as long as she needs ❤️,” a user said about Kate. 

Ever since her video revealing her health diagnosis, the Princess of Wales has yet to appear publicly as she has been undergoing recovery and treatment for cancer.

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge (2016), (IMAGO / i Images)

Although William has been doing a lot of heavy lifting for the royal family over the past few months, Kate’s time away from public-facing royal duties means the couple has had more time alone together than possibly ever before. This will be doubly true when, after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for early elections in July, King Charles announced the royal family would be taking a hiatus from events to avoid distracting from the elections.

“The announcement that the royals won’t be able to work as much has been unexpected, but it will allow Kate and William to spend more time together. They’ve been reconnecting and are closer than ever,” a source told US Weekly. 

The Waleses have been making their summer home, Anmer Hall in Norfolk, their base of late, where the source added they are “spending a lot of time as a family there.” 

The world has been keen for Kate’s return. Royal biographer Angela Levin said Kate needed to “pace herself” but had “read everything there, but she doesn't mean that she's coming back yet. But she is very thrilled with it. So we all have to wish that we do see her. … She needs boosting, we all miss her and want her back as soon as possible.”

However, some say Kate might not return to her duties in the same capacity as before. 

“(Kate’s team) is reevaluating what she’s going to be able to take on when she comes back. She may never come back in the role that people saw her in before,” an insider told US Weekly.

For now, the source said Kate is keeping herself busy in the kitchen, baking and cooking up a storm, stating it’s “one of her (favorite) activities.”

Are you eager to see Kate return to public life? Do you believe Prince William and his wife are closer than ever? Let us know, and pass this on to your family, friends and other royal family fans out there!

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