Jane Fonda Says No More Plastic Surgery At 85 Years Old
Feb 17, 2020
Award-winning actress Jane Fonda says she's done with plastic surgery at age 85. Although she admits to her past procedures, she says she has decided to not go under the knife again despite it being a Hollywood norm.

Jane Fonda looked timeless as she closed out the 2020 Oscars, but she hasn't always had an easy time with her self image. In Jane Fonda's 2018 HBO documentary, Jane Fonda in Five Acts, the actress confessed her complicated history with plastic surgery and self-acceptance.
"I'm glad I look good for my age, but I've had plastic surgery… On one level, I hate the fact that I've had the need to alter myself physically to feel that I'm okay," she said:
"I wish I wasn't like that… I wish I was braver. But I am what I am."

Now that the actress is 85-years-old, she is finally saying goodbye to plastic surgery. In a new interview with Elle Canada, Fonda said, "I can't pretend that I'm not vain, but there isn't going to be any more plastic surgery–I'm not going to cut myself up anymore."
Fonda's decision seemed as though it didn't come to her lightly, and she then continued to confess how her own insecurities play into her self perception:
"I have to work every day to be self-accepting. It doesn't come easy to me."
In her documentary, Jane commented on how she loved "older faces." She went on to name examples saying, "I love lived-in faces. I loved Vanessa Redgrave's face." Redgrave is just one year older than Fonda, but yet Fonda has said that it hasn't been easy for her to accept the reality of her own aging.
Fonda admits to having had face-lifts and breast implants–which she later removed–as well as work around her jawline and eyes. In Five Acts, Fonda says, "I got tired of looking tired when I wasn't."
In Fonda's interview, she said that she tries to put forward honesty and has attempted to use social media in the same honest way.
"I post pictures of me looking haggard," Fonda told Elle, "and once with my tooth out! This is a fake tooth! It came out in a restaurant in Portugal, and I posted it." The photo can be seen on Joan's blog about her first trip to Portugal.
Fonda is also a spokeswoman for L'Oréal Paris Age Perfect. In regards to her campaign Fonda said, "They chose me not in spite of my age but because of my age."
"They are committed to the idea that beauty is not simply in the young and model-perfect but in all people regardless of ethnicity or age."
What do you think about Jane Fonda quitting plastic surgery? Do you admire her honesty about her self image? Let us know what inspires you about Fonda and pass this along to others so they can tell us what inspires them, too!