Is Your Zodiac Sign Flimsy Or Fierce? Here Are The 6 Signs That Refuse To Give Up
Jul 11, 2018
All of the zodiac signs have unique characteristics that those who are familiar with astrology can usually pinpoint and identify in people around them. While a few people exhibit signs of difficulty in decision-making or are known as the great mediators, other signs are known for their tenacity and ability to follow through with just about anything.
This type of character is a favorable one to have and is an enviable one. While others may run into obstacles in life and immediately give up. They will walk away from a job, even their career, if they experience too much adversity. But people who fall under certain zodiac signs tend to do the opposite. They dig in and find a way to beat the system in which they find themselves in and usually come out the successor, driving all adversity away. These are the 6 zodiac signs that usually exhibit that type of determined spirit:
1. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22nd)
Anyone under this sign you will find is the individual who immediately goes on the hunt for answers to their problem without much hesitation. They may walk into a room and vent some brief frustration, but they will emerge cool, calm, and collected. They are also people who find the positive in just about everything, even in the direst of circumstances, because they are just thankful in general to be doing whatever they have been tasked to do.
They are the ultimate critical thinkers who always attempt to solve a problem through other means. This includes not being afraid to ask for help or advice from anyone else who may know a bit more about it than they do as long as it gives them the tools they need to succeed. Virgos are one of the smarter zodiac signs who can work through most any type of complication by any means necessary.
2. Taurus April 20-May 20
People that fall under this zodiac sign will not take “no” for an answer. One word that is not in the vocabulary of a Taurus is “quit”. Known as the zodiac sign that is the most stubborn, there is a good reason that the symbol for this sign is a bull who is digging his hoof into the ground and ready to stand its ground.
These are also people who are patient and practical, so they will run into an obstacle and work through it as opposed to retreating from it for usually as long as it takes. This includes coming up against other people. Taurus people are known for not being the ones who will “blink first” in a showdown, so they can be relied upon to follow through until the bitter end even if they are the last person standing.
3. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb 18)
An Aquarian will always remind themselves of their good intentions for doing something and use that as the means by which they find the strength to carry on. They are people who have an enormous amount of confidence in what they are striving to accomplish as well as their reason for doing it. When they experience any moments of doubt in their journey, they won’t run away from a problem; instead, they will re-group their intentions in their mind and remind themselves about their long-term goals for something.
They are known for their cognitive ability to think through their problems very concisely and efficiently without being swayed by others. When you are in the mix of a debate with someone under this zodiac sign, you will be enmeshed with a person who is usually an expert at debating and arguing a point to their satisfaction.
4. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns are the ultimate at creating a master plan. They are known for their organizational skills and being able to work independently at them without much help from anyone else. Because they have the ability to do these things well, they can effectively and with great diligence work their way through each step until they have found a solution.
This also means that Capricorns are a patient group of people. They are well aware of how some things take longer to conclude, and they keep that in mind and don’t give up before they get to the next step. They generally don’t lose their cool during the process, even if it means they move one step forward and three steps back while trying to solve a problem. They just focus on the forward step and count it as a successful progression toward their end-goal.
5. Leo (July 23 - August 22)
There is also a literal meaning behind the symbolic lion of this zodiac sign since people who are born under it tend to hold the characteristics of a leader of any pack they are in because of their dominant characteristics. Leos are strong and very fierce competitors who have quite a bit of creativity to back up their plans. They definitely never give, and they always have a goal in mind when they begin a task.
Even if a Leo comes up against an unforeseen obstacle along the way, they will adapt their goals to make their way around that obstacle in order to still succeed. They also are known for being open to learning from their mistakes and using that knowledge to move on to the next task with greater success.
6. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios are some of the most intense individuals to come across in a battle, and they definitely love to win. They embrace even the greatest obstacles, and some even look forward to the challenge that a problem presents to them so they can show everyone that they can overcome it.
This means they will seek out any means necessary to overcome any inconvenience that stands in the way of their goals, including stepping on someone else’s plans. Their passion overrides their compassion sometimes, but ultimately, they have the creativity to back it up, and their vision is usually embraced by those around them as the preferred path to success.
Even if you were not born under any of these signs, you can still adapt the fierce and tireless characteristics of any of these 6 zodiac signs. Begin by thinking about a problem at hand and breaking it down into manageable steps to achieve one at a time. Then, contemplate any obstacles that may arise along the way and how you will work through them. Then, visualize yourself standing your ground against the most intimidating person you may find yourself up against until it feels comfortable to be asserting yourself. This builds confidence in you to actually have those conversations if they do arise in real life and accomplish your goals from now on.
What sign are you? Have you experienced problems where your zodiac traits have pulled you through them successfully? Let a friend know if this description fits them perfectly!