Is Your Shower Hurting Your Health?: 7 Reasons You Should Take Baths Instead
Apr 19, 2018
As an adult, your time is filled from sun up to sun down with various obligations, especially if you're a parent, and not much time is left for you to take care of yourself. The days of long bubble baths are in the past and you're lucky if you can sneak in a quick 10-minute shower these days.
Baths are often thought of as the less healthy option for cleanliness, but after a long day, relaxing in a warm tub with a nice beverage is exactly what your body and mind need. The debate between taking a bath or a shower is split right down the middle, but there are several health benefits to taking baths over showers. Let us know which you prefer and why!
1. Baths Keep You Looking Young
It's true! Your body creates a stress-hormone called Cortisol that has a direct effect on acne and aging, but when you soak in a long bath, your Cortisol levels are decreased and your skin is left with a beautiful glow. Dehydration of the skin can occur, so be sure to moisturize your body after getting out of the tub to keep your skin healthy.
2. Baths Soothe Soreness
After a good workout or a long day of standing on your feet, a bath is a perfect solution for soothing sore muscles. The heat from the water helps soothe sore muscles when your body has fully emerged in the warmth. Adding Epsom salt will also help to relax your muscles and help you feel better in no time.
3. Baths Clean Your Body Just Like A Shower
You have probably heard people say that taking a bath isn't as healthy as taking a shower because you are sitting in your own filth since the water doesn't drain. Studies have shown that taking a shower instead a bath is only suggested when you are sweaty from working out or dirty from being outside, strenuous activities, etc.
If you are taking a bath after a normal day at your job or school, you will get just as clean as you would in a shower. The steam from the bathtub helps you to get even cleaner because it will help expand your pores so the dirt can escape.
4. Baths Can Change Your Blood Sugar
Keeping your sugars down is necessary to avoid getting diabetes and taking a bath after you eat will help your body to process these sugars. If you are having to watch your diet and have been instructed by a doctor to keep a close eye on your sugar levels, try taking a bath in addition to clean eating to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
5. Baths Help Your Skin Glow
Most people believe that baths are too hot and the water is not healthy for your skin, but contrary to popular belief, baths can help keep your skin glowing. Our bodies have natural oils that can be removed in both baths or showers, but if you are taking a shower, it is nearly impossible to add oils into the water as you can in a bath. Essential oils, bath bombs, honey, or salts are a great way to add oil to the water for your skin to soak in while taking a bath.
Again, once you get out of the tub, you must remember to use a moisturizer to help lock in the oils so you don't dry out.
6. Baths Relieve Stress
People who take baths are often times less stressed than people who do not. Taking a bath requires you to slow down and take a few minutes to focus on yourself. It has been proven that sitting in a warm bath helps detox your system, release endorphins, reduce stress and many other things.
7. Baths Make The Heart Healthy
Baths can lower blood pressure and reduce stress on your entire body. Another way the bath can help your body and body systems include decreasing arterial stiffness.
Try taking a bath to see and experience the benefits it brings. Let us know other ways you have found your bath to increase your overall health and wellness!