Inside The Mind Of A Narcissist - How They Make You Fall For Their Illusions

Nov 07, 2018

Unfortunately, narcissists look just like everyone else. They're fun to be around, always exuding positive energy, and always seem to know exactly what to say. They put on a show for the world while hiding their hideous alter-ego from almost everyone they meet. Everyone, that is, except for the person that they will mentally try to destroy.

A narcissist feeds off of the positive energy of others with their twisted view of reality. They are the first ones to build someone's self-esteem and feeling of self-worth. They are masters at it. And, this skill is also how they tear someone apart to satisfy their own sense of self-worth. They aren't happy until they have someone under their complete control making the victim feel completely dependent on the narcissist.

And, for whatever reason, the victim of a narcissist will let the abuse continue. A narcissist is able to identify those people who may have confidence issues and use that against them. They can make their victims feel like they need the constant criticism and abuse and cannot survive without the narcissist.

Somehow, the victim-narcissist relationship evolves into the victim becoming totally dependent on the narcissist. They will let them say the most horrible things and feel like they deserve it. The narcissist will lie easily as that is the foundation of their sense of reality. The victim puts up with the constant hidden abuse because they crave the positive side of the narcissist that the public sees.

In public, a narcissist is popular and friendly, usually the center of attention in a crowd. They will shower other people with positive attention which makes people want to be around them. This is all part of their scam. They are looking for those personalities that they have identified over the years of people who really need someone else to validate their self-worth.

Then, the narcissist strikes. The victim is completely drawn in by the lies and compliments that the narcissist is a master at delivering. Over time, the narcissist will begin to tear the victim apart mentally with the type of verbal and emotional abuse that no human should ever have to endure.

If the victim threatens the narcissist, things only get worse. Once the narcissist is challenged, they will go to any means to control their victim. This often results in their public behavior with the victim seeming even more positive and encouraging, while, in private, the abuse escalates to unbelievable levels.

The victims of narcissists often have trouble finding help once they decide to finally seek it. The public's perception of a narcissist is one that is all positive. All everyone ever see's is that amazing, outgoing, friendly, compassionate person that the narcissist has created in their own mind and presents to the world.

Victims are sometimes even perceived as the guilty party once they try to find help. From the outside looking in, it appears like the narcissist is always looking out for the victim's best interests. Often, is very difficult for the victim to make someone else understand what is happening behind the scenes with a narcissist.

The core mental issue with a narcissist is their inability to control their envy of others. They know that they have a problem. But, for them, it's easier to use someone else's insecurities to build themselves up than to find real answers for their own insecurities.

How about you? Have you ever come across a narcissist? If so, let us know what you experienced. Don't forget to spread this information, who knows how many victims this might help.