In Tear-Filled, Heartwarming "Homesick" Video, Kane Brown Reunites Military Families
Oct 04, 2018
A rising star in the country music scene, Kane Brown, is set to release his new album Experiment in early November. On his upcoming album, Kane includes a song titled “Homesick”, which serves as a tribute to military service members and their families.
The music video for “Homesick” was the first to be released and it is an honest look at the bittersweet moments of a homecoming for military families.
An avid supporter of our nation’s troops, Kane Brown chose to feature clips of reuniting families as the basis of his new music video. Fans submitted videos of their service member’s homecoming for Kane to feature in his music video. Some clips, however; caught media attention and were thrust into national headlines.
The video of a Notre Dame basketball player pulled on everyone’s heartstrings as you can see the athlete racing to his brother in tears at his surprise homecoming during his basketball game.
This may be one of the most touching music videos released this year as it documents the raw emotion experienced when a service member is welcomed back home to their family. Kane Brown is keeping his promise to be an active supporter of the men and women who serve our country and his latest music video is a touching reminder of that promise.
Towards the end of the video, Kane is shown performing his brand new, touching song to members of the California Army National Guard. Not only is it an incredible song, but this video is full of bittersweet moments of families being reunited. Fair warning, you're going to need a box of tissues on hand before you click play
Can you relate to the joy experienced when the chance to finally hold your loved one again is given to you? Do you feel like Kane Brown did a good job depicting service member homecomings in his new video? Let us know what you think in the comments! Pass this video along to honor the brave men and women in the armed forces.