Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses With These 4 Exercises

Apr 20, 2018

As you go through the day, it is easy to take for granted all that your eyes do for you. They continually check your peripheral vision and observe everything on the computer, iPad, iPhone, T.V. and all other screens that reek havoc on your eyes.

With a glance, you check your hair in the mirror, see what the baby's doing, and then refocus on your work. Your eyes are incredible, and you can keep them that way, and even improve them, with four simple exercises that you can do by simply taking a break for five minutes for each while in front of the computer screen. They will strengthen your eyes by allowing them to rest.

Some people don't like to wear glasses or you just want to keep your eyes working perfectly. If you get in the habit of doing these four exercises every day, you will begin to notice the difference that taking care of your eyes will make.

1. Nearsighted or Farsighted

This easy exercise works wonders. Sit in your chair facing the wall across the room. Focus on the objects close to you, then turn your attention on the items that are far away.

Switch your focus every 10 seconds for five minutes, and see excellent results.

2. Blink

Too much time in front of a computer reduces blinking, and blinking is essential in restoring vision by strengthening your eye muscles. The darkness allows your eyes and mind to process the info that it has just received.

Blinking stimulates your eyes and prepares them for new info.

3. Cover Your Eyes

For five minutes, cover your eyes with your hands. Leave enough space to blink and absorb the darkness. The space of darkness releases stress and tension.

You can do this often while on the computer for long periods of time.

4. An Invisible 8

Now you get to play a little. Imagine there is an invisible figure eight lying sideways on the wall right in front of you. Follow the shape with your eyes in one direction, for one minute, and then switch directions, for a total of five minutes. This will strengthen your eye muscles.

As you sit at your computer, do the exercises one by one, together or separate, and watch your eye health improve.

If you found this article helpful or interesting, please show it to your friends and family so they can give these exercises a try! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!