If Your Man Has These 13 Habits, You Don’t Need To Be With Him

Oct 27, 2018

Most women have a somewhat clear picture of what they want their future husband to be like. Even if that picture isn’t perfect, most people have a basic idea of what they want. It can be very disappointing if you marry someone who does not fulfill these expectations.

If you marry someone who is opposite of the person you really want, it can be a difficult life for both of you. To err on the side of caution, take into consideration all of his habits before you commit to marriage. There are 13 habits that many women believe are a deal-breaker when it comes to their significant other. What do you think? Read on to find out more about the habits that women hate the most.


1. Hating Animals


Most people love animals. How could you possibly dislike a beautiful, innocent dog or a cuddly kitten? Remember, it is different when the person is simply scared of an animal or has allergies. But if the man you are considering marrying just seems to hate animals for no good reason, this is a red flag that he doesn’t have any empathy.

2. He Won’t Respect Basic Relationship Rules


No one wants to be told what to do all of the time. But if you ask him not to do something that is hurtful or bothersome to you and he still does it, this is a complete and utter lack of respect towards you.

All relationships have basic ground rules. Both partners need to follow these rules to maintain a healthy relationship. If he absolutely refuses, you have a problem. He doesn’t value the rules or you.

3. He Frequently Breaks Promises


It’s normal to forget something once in a while. We all make mistakes. The same goes for a broken promise, as long as it doesn’t happen often. But when your man starts to break promises or forgets things all the time, this becomes something to worry about. He is making you look like a fool for always trusting him.

4. He is Immature


He won’t hesitate to cut someone out of his life over a small disagreement. It won’t matter if it is a friend from his past or his current boss. If it is that easy for him to walk away from others, he could easily do the same when it comes to you. Remember, impatience is not a great sign, especially when it comes to people you should care for.

5. He Doesn’t Admit He is Wrong


Everyone makes mistakes and says the wrong things from time to time. If he never admits that he is wrong and will argue incessantly over it, this is a bad sign. Not owning up to your mistakes is a big sign of immaturity.

You will end up being blamed for everything. He will be right no matter what, and you will always be the one who is wrong.

6. He Never Ends the Fight


Disagreements in a relationship happen, and they can also be a healthy part of a good marriage. But they also need to come to an end at some point. You should always be able to be open and honest with your significant other, even if you know they won’t agree with you.

If he doesn’t always see things your way, that’s okay. It’s when he won’t come to a decision or bullies you about your beliefs that problems arise. He may also try to keep the fight going indefinitely. You should never have to deal with past issues being brought up forever.

7. He Doesn’t Let You Talk


When you try to talk to him, he doesn’t hesitate to cut you off and walk away from the conversation. This shows that he has a severe lack of conversational skills and does not value your thoughts and opinions.

8. He is a Liar


Small, white lies are excusable in a relationship. However, if he is constantly lying to you, this will impact your relationship severely. Every healthy relationship needs to be based on trust, and you can never have trust when you are with someone who is always lying to you. It will kill the love you have for him.

9. He is Narrow-Minded


He refuses to see things in any other way but his. He may try to stop you from doing normal, everyday things because he mistrusts you. This isn’t an easy way to live.

10. You Aren’t a Priority


A healthy relationship means giving and receiving from both partners. Each one should be open and honest with the other and willing to make sacrifices. When he doesn’t make you a priority in his life, he probably really isn’t into you as much as you are into him. You’ll always be second-best.

11. He is Abusive


Abusive takes many forms, from mental to verbal to physical. There is never any reason for a man to be abusive to you. You will never change him into something he isn’t, and you don’t deserve to be with someone who would hurt you.

12. He Makes Tons of Excuses


An immature man makes excuses all of the time. He can’t take the blame- it is always someone else’s fault no matter what. When things go wrong he has an excuse all ready to throw at you. You don’t need such an immature man in your life.

13. He is Clingy


A healthy relationship means that the two people can be away from one another for a reasonable time without issues. Being clingy can be exhausting for both partners. It isn’t healthy for a relationship, no matter how much the clingy partner seems to love and need you.

What do you think of these 13 habits? Do you agree with them? Let us know what you think in the comments and be sure to pass this along to friends and family!