If You Want To Be Successful, You Must Quit These 13 Things
Oct 29, 2018
Some people will do anything to become successful, or at least that's what they say. But what they don't want to realize is that what you stop doing is just as important as what you start doing.
Poor decisions and immaturity lead to opportunities bypassing us without our realizing it. If you want to make it, you need to stop doing these 13 things.
1. Believing you can't change
When we're children, our personalities and mentalities change substantially over the years. The difference between your nine-year-old self and your 13-year-old is probably pretty great. You learned new things and gained new perspectives.
Your adult self is probably vastly different from your teenage self. You didn't become an entirely different person; you just evolved. Don't let yourself think that you're stuck in place forever. You can continue to grow, but you have to be willing to.
2. Expecting a miracle
Success doesn't happen with a snap of your fingers. You have to be willing to work for it and understand that the process is just as important as the result. Chipping away on a regular basis might not be glamorous, but it's all part of becoming a more level-headed person.
You'll feel much better knowing that you worked for your success rather than it being a fluke.
3. Being unhealthy
Being healthy isn't about being perfect, but it's easier than you think. It involves exercising discipline. When you make a health-based decision, you need to consider what the ramifications could be.
Staying up too late, drinking excessively, or eating fatty foods might feel good at the moment, but the moment is fleeting. Consistent abuse of your body makes you into your own worst enemy.
4. Not taking chances
Are you going through life as quietly as possible, doing all you can to not make any waves? Well, that's a good way to avoid both failure and success. To make a profound impact, you need to be willing to take a risk every now and then.
Risk-taking doesn't mean you have to put yourself in danger. That's why calculated risks exist. If something doesn't work out, you can move on, knowing that you put in an honest effort.
5. Never saying no
Success means making sacrifices. If you're afraid to say no, you're going to get in trouble. You can't worry about hurting someone's feelings by declining their invitations, because not knowing how to say no means you're just hurting yourself.
6. Not thinking of the future
Don't just live for today, live for your life. Your discipline needs to be kept up on a daily basis, but you need to be considering the person you'll be years from now. The choices you make today are going to determine the life you lead in decades.
The concept of cause-and-effect means you need to be steadfast in your decisions. Otherwise, you'll have to cope with serious regrets.
7. Trying to run everything
Your power is limited, but that's not a bad thing. It can be humbling to admit that most things are out of our hands, but it can also help us to prioritize what we do have control of. When we accept this, we teach ourselves an invaluable lesson.
8. Spending time with the wrong people
There are people who just drain you of your energy and bring out the worst in you. While you might not be able to avoid them entirely, you should spend as much time away from them as possible. This could mean cutting off friendships that have proven to be unhealthy.
9. Making excuses
Have you ever met someone who finds fault in everything but themselves? They can blame their upbringing, the weather, or something else for their shortcomings, but at a certain point, you realize they're the biggest problem. This might describe you.
Think about how often you make excuses instead of actually taking action. No one is impressed by excuses, and it just keeps you further from success.
10. Being a people-pleaser
Do you like yourself? Do you make decisions that you're proud of and which don't hurt others? Then, you're good. Trying your best to please everyone only leads to further anguish. You have to understand that not everyone is going to like you, and it's not your fault.
11. Being a perfectionist
Being a perfectionist won't make you any more motivated. It'll just prevent you from taking action because you'll be too worried about making sure everything is according to your expectations. No one is perfect, nor or any circumstances. You need to be willing to accept flaws in everything and move forward in spite of them.
12. Throwing away time
You can never get time back. When a moment passes, it's gone forever. Take this into account and assess just how well you use your time. It might be sobering to realize that much of it is time not well spent, but you can make a vow to seize the day from now on.
13. Do one thing at a time
To find success, you need to give tasks your all. Multitasking results in many things being done quickly and sloppily instead of slowly and properly. Your focus is crucial if you want to find success.
Being successful is possible for anyone who's determined and willing. Let us know about your journey to success. Show this to any friends or family members who are trying to find more motivation in their lives.