If You Want To Be A Real Lady, You Need To Stop Doing These 20 Things Right Now
Jun 14, 2018
To become a princess, you must act like one. In this article, I'm going to be breaking down 20 things you should cut out of your lifestyle if you want to be a lady.
20. Fake designer
Let's face it. No one wants to be with a fake. Buy real designer or don't wear it at all.
19. Fashion mistakes
If you want to become a lady, your fashion game has to be on point. If it's not, you won't look professional. Find clothes that fit you and your body type.
18. Slouching
When you slouch, you look lazy and unprofessional. When you hold yourself in an upright manner, it shows self-confidence and professionalism.
17. No self-care
You need to maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle to be a lady. You have to maintain great hygiene and keep good skin.
16. Too much makeup
To be a lady, you have to let your natural beauty shine. You cannot do this is you are caked in makeup. A little makeup is okay but do not overdo it.
15. Don't fuss
Let's face it. No one likes it when someone fusses especially when it is over nonsense. Avoid acting nervous and anxious in social situations. Instead, carry yourself with confidence.
14. Finish your soup
When you are finishing your soup, make sure that you don't bring it up to your mouth and slurp the rest out of the bowl. This is very unladylike. Instead, scoop the rest out with a spoon
13. Rudeness and Rumors
True ladies do not focus on gossiping or spreading rumors about other people. Instead, they are focused on what they need to do while using their time wisely.
12. Being too loud
Let's face it. No one likes a loud mouth. It shows that you are an attention-grabbing person. As the saying goes, use your inside voice and respect other people in the social situation.
11. Arguing
True ladies do not try to prove their ideas or opinions to nobody. Instead, they keep to themselves so that everyone else can form their own opinions.
10. Eating on the run
True ladies sit down when they eat with proper dinner etiquette. They do not eat in a rush and certainly do not eat while moving. They find ways to fit meals into their schedule.
9. Honesty
True ladies are always interested to meet new people and engage with them. They do not hold themselves above anyone and treat everyone with respect.
8. White high heels
White high heels are for very formal occasions. On more frequent occasions, wear two-tone or beige high heels. These are more proper for casual occasions.
7. Tardiness
True ladies are hardly ever late. Never be more than 15 minutes late and always have a strict schedule.
6. Leaving an umbrella open
Ladies always close their umbrella after they are done using it. It is just proper to do it that way.
5. Saying "Bless you"
It is proper manners to say "bless you" after someone sneezes. True ladies are never hesitant to commit this act.
4. Not wearing pantyhose
Business etiquette requires that true ladies wear pantyhose even if it is hot out.
3. Not accepting drinks/food accepted by the host
Always accept a beverage or some food from a host as it is always good manners even though you may not be in the mood.
2. Dancing with hair down
True ladies dance with their hair up and wears high heels, protecting other dancers.
1. Cooling food down by blowing on it
Instead of blowing on the food, let it cool down naturally.
Ladies are definitely held to a higher standard. What do you think, do you agree with these rules? Show this article to a lady in your life!