If She's Clingy In These 11 Ways, It Actually Means She's Good For You
Aug 20, 2018
Clingy behavior has always received a bad rap, but does it always have to be negative? As it turns out, it doesn't. Investing yourself in a relationship with someone means that the other person should be just as invested in you. A girl who is clingy could actually be the answer to your wish of being loved and cared for.
Here are 11 clingy behaviors that aren't actually problematic, and could be exactly what you need:
1. She wants you to define your relationship.
Although this move is often perceived as aggressive, it isn't something to be worried about. Most women do not enjoy the feeling of insecurity and doubt. Because she cares about the two of you together, she wants to be clear about what is happening.
2. She wants for you to text often.
Her texting you means that she cares about you when you are away. Regardless of the virtual communication, she still enjoys interacting with you. She wishes that you are together even when you are far apart.
3. She points out unfair treatment.
Many go passive on your mistakes. If she is caring enough, she points out the flaws you have so you can improve for the better.
4. She insists on spending time together.
Spending time together is the most important part of a relationship. If she gives you her time, it means that you mean so much to her since time is the most precious thing that anyone can give you.
5. She talks of the future.
When she is serious about being with you, she will talk about the future with you. Her talks of the future reflect her desire for you to be a part of it.
6. She loves intimacy and touch.
She is comfortable with you if she is always being touchy. This means that you have won her trust in giving herself up to you. It is a lucky instance when someone trusts you that much.
7. She uploads pictures of your relationship on social media.
Even if you do not like displaying your relationship on social media, she still does it. It is just her way of telling the whole world how happy and proud she is of being with you. It means she has a high regard for you and is proud of being next to you in front of the world.
8. She asks questions about you.
When a girl loves you, she might want to know everything about you and your character. It is just that exciting to know the deepest desires and passions of the one she loves the most in the world.
9. She takes you to meet her parents.
Meeting the parents is a pretty big deal. If you want the girl, you should be very happy that she has taken you to heart. Taking you to meet her parents means that she has made you part of her potential future where you hold an important lace.
10. She is a little jealous once in a while.
While compulsive jealousy is unhealthy, her occasional jealousy means that you actually mean something to her. She is giving you her commitment and hopes for the same for herself.
11. She is constantly expressing her affection.
If you have a girl who is a generous soul and pours her love out to you freely, consider yourself lucky. You do not have to try to maneuver in the dark about her feelings towards you -- she loves you and shows it to you in any way she can.
Are you that lucky guy who has a clingy girlfriend? If that bothered you in the past, maybe it is time to change your perspective about what is driving your girl's behavior. Do you love yourself enough to allow her to love you as she wants to? Many men wish for a girl who will love them and cherish them. When you get a girl like that, appreciate her as much as you can, so she will be yours forever.