If He Is Really Interested In You, He'll Go After You

Jul 17, 2018

Every woman who is desirous of a relationship wants to have a guy who pursues her and adores her. There is a lot of information out there that says that men no longer pursuing women, but that is completely untrue. Men have a different nature than women, but they know how to get what they need and want. You want a man who is confident, attractive, witty, and intelligent. The problem is that there are men who make you feel like you have beg, borrow, and steal to get them to pursue you. In reality, that does not have to be the case. A real man will pursue you!

It's All About The Chase


Men and women are built very differently. Men want to be able to provide and conquer, and a woman wants to be able to feel like her man can take care of her, and she wants to feel loved. We are not always able to balance these emotions, and at times, a woman's desire to be loved may leave her feeling needy and clinging. A woman who feels like this is with a man who does not value her. When a man values a woman, he does not stop pursuing, because he knows that he has found something of value. It is a little bit like knowing that you have a treasure in your backyard. If you knew that you could be a millionaire if you just kept digging, you would keep digging. Men are quite the same. When they find a woman who is of high value, they will treat her as such.

A man will consistently and constantly pursue a woman who they want to be with because he wants to show you that he deserves you as well. He will call you on a regular basis because he is going to want to know what you are doing when you are not with him. He is not inquiring about your whereabouts because he is jealous, but rather, he wants to spend all of his free time with you. This is a man who is going to openly express how he feels about you, and he is going to be honest with you about his feelings.

This is a man who is going to be terrified to lose you because you are the best thing that has ever happened to him.



Women have gotten more and more used to settling for men who give them less attention than they deserve. This is because we live in a society where men and women both have equal opportunities to some extent. This can make women feel like they need to pursue a guy or they will end up single for the rest of their life. In reality, pursuing a man is counterproductive. Men do not enjoy being pursued by a woman, it is something that is unattractive to them. It makes them feel emasculated, and it can even be embarrassing for them. Men prefer to pursue a woman who they are interested in.

Why Women Are Confused


Even when men are not completely interested, they will still partially pursue women who they are not really interested in because they want to have someone to talk to until they find the woman who they are actually interested in. This is a cruel thing to do; it gives a woman hope, and it makes her believe that she actually found a good man when in reality, he is only playing games.

You Can Do It All By Yourself


Some women believe that it is better to be with a man than to be single, but in reality, It is painful to be in a relationship with a man who really does not care about you. It is much better to be single and open to a relationship. In that way, you can go out, live your life, and be ready for what love has to offer you.

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