I Did 15 Minutes Of Bodyflex Every Day, And THIS Happened To My Body

Sep 07, 2018

 A few months ago, I traveled to my hometown for my high school reunion. It was amazing seeing all of my classmates after so many years. The only problem was how I looked. Now, I weighed 25 pounds more. I had developed cellulite and wrinkles over the years. Thankfully, the reunion went surprisingly well. I ended up meeting my future husband at the reunion. After seeing how much I had changed, I also started using Bodyflex. 

The Bodyflex method is a bunch of exercises that were invented by Greer Childers.

Greer was an American housewife with three children to take care of. Like many mothers, she had gained weight after having three children. This led to low self-esteem and a bunch of clothes that no longer fit.

Greer tried out every diet and exercise program out there, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, she decided that she needed to make her own exercise plan. After she started her new program, she lost five dress sizes in only three months. 

Inspired by her example, I tried out Bodyflex. I ended up losing 30 pounds in six months. During the same time frame, I got married and began my own business. The exercises are so easy that anyone can do them and get in shape. 


The main goal of the Bodyflex exercises is to stretch your body and breathe properly.

You will probably recognize many of these techniques and exercises from yoga. The breathing technique is where the exercises differ. You do one exhalation, a quick breath, a complete exhalation and then hold. Then, you take another breath. This type of breathing increases your adrenaline so that you can start burning fat. Since you are also working out your muscles, you end up using those fat calories while you exercise. 

For the best results, do these exercises in the morning. Make sure you do it four hours after you eat or on an empty stomach. 

The Vacuum Exercise 

Breathing is the most important part of this exercise plan. You have to follow the breathing technique exactly if you want to see real results. Every exercise starts with this breathing technique. 

Begin with your legs apart from your body. You should look like a basketball player with your body tilted forward slightly. 

Empty your lungs of air and exhale using just your mouth. Make your lips breathe so that they look like the “oo” sound. Slowly exhale to empty your lungs completely before taking the next breath. 

Inhale using your nose with your mouth completely closed. Inhale so that your lungs are as full as possible. 

Exhale sharply. While you are releasing air through your mouth, your lips should be together in a “pah” shape. 

Now, hold your breath. Your head should be lowered down. Keep your stomach pulled in. Count to eight before you move on. 

Pause in the starting position. Keep your muscles relaxed and breathe through your nose. 

Repeat the cycle. 

1. Boat 

This exercise is used to tighten up the muscles in your inner thighs. Each exercise in the Bodyflex program begins with the same breathing cycle. 

Sit on the ground with your legs far apart. 

Lean your legs back and do the breathing cycle. 

At the next pause in the breathing cycle, move your body forward. Hold your breath as you count to eight. Your heads should be stretched out in front of your body. Keep your stomach retracted. Your shoulders should be slightly lowered. 

Do this exercise five times. 

2. Pretzel 

This exercise helps your waist, lower back, and outer thighs. 

Sit on the ground. Cross your legs so that your left knee is on top. 

Keep your right leg horizontal and straight. 

Place your left hand behind your back. Use your right hand to grab your left knee. 

Complete a breathing cycle. 

Switch your weight to the left arm. Bring your left knee toward your body with your hand. Turn toward the left side so that you are looking backward. Hold this position as you count to eight. 

Exhale and allow your body to relax. Repeat this exercise five times. 

3. Leg Stretches 

This helps to strengthen the back of your thighs and your hamstrings. 

Lay down on your back. Lift your legs up as you pull your toes toward you. 

Use your hands to hold your legs. 

Keep your head down as you do a breathing cycle. 

When you reach a pause, pull your legs toward you. Hold this position for eight seconds. 

Repeat this exercise five times. 

4. Diamond 

This exercise is great for the inside of your hands and forearms. 

Stand up with your feet placed shoulder-width apart. 

Place the fingers of both hands together. 

Your elbows need to be parallel to the ground. Keep your back slightly rounded. 

Do a breathing cycle. 

Hold this position for eight seconds. 

Inhale and allow your body to relax. 

Do this exercise five times. 

5. Side Stretching 

This exercise is great for reducing belly fat. 

Stand up in the basketball player position. Do a breathing cycle. 

On the pause, raise your right arm up and to the side of your head. This stretches the side of your waist. Hold the position for eight seconds. 

Breathe and relax. 

Do this three times on each side. 

6. Seiko 

This exercise is great for cellulite, your bottom and the sides of your thighs. 

Get down on all fours. Your right leg should be at a 90-degree angle. Keep your foot on the ground. 

Do a breathing cycle. 

At the pause, lift your leg up and hold it as you count to eight. 

Bring your foot down and inhale. 

Do this three times on each side. 

7. Leg Back Exercise 

This helps tighten your bottom and reduce fat. 

Get down on all fours. 

Do a breathing cycle. 

Bring your leg back so that your toes are perpendicular to the ground. Count to eight. 

Bring your leg down as you inhale. 

Do this three times on each side. 

8. Cat

This exercise helps to tone your back and spine. 

Get down on all fours. Keep your back straight as your head looks in front of you. 

Do a breathing cycle. 

Bring your head down as you arch your back up. Count to 10. 

Inhale as you relax. 

Do this three times. 

Have you ever tried Bodyflex? Let us know what your experience was like! And don´t forget to let your friends know the easiest way to lose fat and get in shape.

 Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!