Hygiene Traps You Should Avoid Inside The Bathroom
Jul 13, 2018
Even if you clean your bathroom regularly and everything seems to be hygienic and clean, you should avoid this mistake in the future.
This is because studies have found out that every flush of the toilet releases aerosol in the form of a cloud of toilet water as very little droplets. This cloud is only in the air for a very short time before bursting, but the bad thing is: It doesn't always burst over the toilet, which means the bacteria it carries can spread everywhere. The researchers do not count it as a dangerous health hazard, but the following mistakes should still be avoided.
1. Always Keep Your Toilet Lid Closed
A closed toilet lid is not only far more visually appealing than an open one, as far as we now know it's also more hygienic. Who wants any part of that aerosol on their toothbrush?
2. Never Take Your Phone To The Toilet With You
As we already knew, bacteria abound inside the bathroom. Of course they are also on the door knobs, the furniture inside the bathroom etc. This is why you should not carry your smartphone with you to the toilet, or even worse, put it down on the ground in front of it. Especially if you flush, fecal matter can get stuck to your phone. By the way, studies show that around one fourth of all purses show traces of fecal matter.
3. Cosmetic Products Shouldn't Be Left In The Open
What you know now should make you think twice about leaving your creme or make-up brush just out in the open. The best would be to put every cosmetics product into a cupboard inside the bathroom or a toiletries bag for example. But not only the aerosol is a problem. Dust and pollen are also big causes of dirty cremes, make-up brushes etc.
4. Don't Forget To Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands after a visit to the toilet should be obvious, but unfortunately quite a few people still don't get it. Lots of germs hide out in bathrooms, which is why washing hands is a must even for very hygienic people.
5. Regularly Cleaning The Bathroom's Equipment Is A Must
A completely hygienic bathroom needs regularly cleaned equipment. It doesn't matter whether it's soap dispensers, toothbrush mugs or other things. Of course you should also clean or replace your brushes, sponges and so on so that germs never even have a chance.
6. Regularly Change Your Toothbrush
Lots of people should know this already, but just to be sure. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends changing your toothbrush every three to four months. Especially the head of the brush is a magnet for bacteria and can cause gum infections or even colds. An important note: The toothbrush should be stored with the head down inside the mug. It is also better to leave out in the open instead of inside a cupboard.
Tip: Always change the toothbrush after an illness.
7. Make Sure Bacteria Can't Multiply
Bathrooms are not only exposed to humidity but also permanent warmth, which makes them the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Damp or wet towels need to be dried of course, but please do it by putting them on a radiator. You should also avoid leaving damp or wet brushes or sponges in a box.
Which of these mistakes did you know about and avoid and what are you going to do differently from now on? Show your friends and family what they've been doing wrong all the time and help them avoid these seven bathroom hygiene mistakes.
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!