Husband Told Wife She 'Didn’t Really Give Birth' After Welcoming Twins Via C-Section

Apr 05, 2023

Women inarguably make the biggest sacrifice when having a child. Apart from carrying the child inside their womb for nine months, a woman also plays a major role in caring for their baby after birth and is usually there every step of the way.

From day one of a woman’s pregnancy, she sacrifices a lot including keeping herself healthy and avoiding doing things that might harm the baby. That means eating nutritious food and possibly taking supplements to welcome a healthy baby.

Then there’s the pain that a woman experiences as she goes through labor. Of course, men make significant contributions to the growth of the child. But there’s no doubt that the mother plays an important role in making sure that the baby comes out healthy – not to mention the emotional support a mom gives to her child. So for a man to dismiss the efforts and sacrifices of a woman in giving birth to her child sounds absurd. But sadly, some women are made to feel that way. Thankfully, though, there are a lot of women who stand up for themselves and make sure that their husbands respect them and the sacrifices they have made to give birth to their children.

In March 2023, a woman took to Reddit to share her experience after her husband told her that she didn’t give birth just because she welcomed her child via cesarean section. 

The woman narrated her story through a Reddit community for parents who want to help out other parents in any way, including issues that may come up while navigating their journey in parenthood.

In her post, the woman started by sharing a joke she made about not being told something before she gave birth. 

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Then, the mother went on to share how she had to undergo an emergency c-section and stayed in the hospital for 33 days while her twins were admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for 38 days.

“Me, my husband, and our nanny (who lives with us) were talking the other night and I made a joke about ‘no one told me that before I gave birth’ (don’t even remember what we were laughing about). Now, I was on bedrest in the hospital for 33 days and had an emergency in, the middle of the night, drop the head of the bed and run c-section, and then my twins were in the NICU (for) 38 days,” she said.

“It was and still is traumatic,” she said, recalling her experience.

The woman then proceeded to share her husband’s response after she made the joke, as her husband told her she “didn’t really give birth” just because she had a c-section.

“So, back to the joking around the other night and me saying ‘no one told me that before I gave birth.’ My husband pops off – ‘well you didn’t really give birth anyway, so how would you know,’” she said.

But the woman did not let her husband slip away as she confronted him about the incident later on and revealed she told him it was offensive. She also told her husband that he shouldn’t joke about such things in front of other women. 

“He’s lucky to be alive. I just sat down and didn’t say anything and our nanny was like, well, look at the time,” the woman said.

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“Later when I was calm I told him how offensive it was and told him to never, ever let me hear him say something like that again, especially not in front of other women, because it shows how completely ignorant he is. Like I said, he’s lucky to be alive still,” the woman continued.

Several women sided with the woman, with some praising her for being calm in front of the nanny. Then again, the commenter told the woman that she could have also called out her husband in the presence of their nanny.

“Um good on you for waiting until you're calm and alone but honestly, a good call out in the moment in front of the nanny would've been just as appropriate. Ignorance should be stopped in its tracks,” one person said.

One commenter, on the other hand, said she has the full respect of every woman who goes through a c-section.

“I had a vaginal birth and the fear of a c-section is strong! Mamas who had c-sections have my full respect,” one commenter said.

Meanwhile, several women shared their experiences with having c-sections and said that it is one of the most difficult ways of giving birth.   

“I've had both and BY FAR the c-section was the hardest recovery from anything I've ever had. Mine was also traumatic. I'm so sorry he said that,” one woman said.

“My c-section was 4 times more difficult than my 2 natural births. 1st 2½ today's in hospital after 36½ hours labor. 2nd out the next day. 3rd, my ob had to end up calling in a specialist,” one commenter said.

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What do you think about the statement made by the husband? Do you know anyone who has experienced a similar situation? Let us know your thoughts and pass this on to anyone who might find this story interesting!

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