How You Might Lose The Woman Who Truly Cares About You
Aug 01, 2018
Some men have a tendency to plant a garden and then just sit back in a lounge chair thinking it’ll grow without food, water, and nurturing. As a result, the once eager blooms wither away and die, and he’s left standing there wondering why he’s fruitless. By garden, we are talking about relationships. And, this is how a guy loses a girl who’s completely into him.
1) You’re Her Plan A... She’s Your Plan B
You will lose her if fail to prioritize her as your plan B. No woman wants to be a failsafe or second option for when something ‘better’ doesn’t work out. Even though she feels like you are what makes life survivable and are an essential, you treat her as if she’s expendable, and add-on, and negotiable. Without the validation and recognition, she deserves as your Plan A, you will lose her.
2) She Embraces You... You Hold Her At Arm’s Length
Despite her continual effort to make your life better, easier, and more full of happiness and love, you shut her out of your life when you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed by intimacy. She’s working overtime on forwarding the relationship, but she can’t make progress dragging your emotional baggage around as an anchor. While she’s an open book, you only allow her to read select pages of your book. The big picture of the relationship always has blurred lines because you’ve placed so many barriers in it that she has to break down. Without offering her security and openness in the relationship, you will lose her.
3) She’s Unwavering ... You’re Indifferent
Consistency is vital, and you never give her that. Whether it’s from not being there when it really matters to being nonchalant about the things that matter to her, you’re constantly dropping the ball she’s entrusted you to hold. Meanwhile, she guards your ball with all she has and wouldn’t think of giving you less than 100% in everything. She’s steadfast in supporting you and all your endeavors, and you meet that with inconsistency, indifference, and wavering loyalty. There’s only so long that the one-dimensional, greyscale view you provide her will be enough, and it’s then that you’ll lose someone completely devoted to you.
4) You Lie, You Lie, You Lie
Dishonesty hurts each and every single time, but she has overlooked it and has made excuses for you because she’s been able to see a greater good in you and would rather live with you in hurt than without you at all. That will only last so long, though. The hurt will compile with each dishonest stick you use to dam up your relationship. Eventually, the dam will break and carry her downstream to see that she deserves more than your deception.
5) She’s Committed... You’re Playing Games
She’s choosing you as her guy. All her chips are on the table, and the bet is on you being her one and only. She’s putting her needs behind your needs. All she wants in return is the same commitment, but you’re still playing games at other tables. If you can’t eventually make the all-in commitment, then she’s going to count the hand as a loss and walk away for good.
6) She Appreciates You... You Take Her For Granted
If you don’t appreciate and validate that she will and does do anything for you, she will eventually stop caring and stop making the effort. She’s not a tool to be used only when needed. If you don’t treat her like she adds value to your life, she will assume all her efforts are for nothing and move along to someone who will show her that appreciation and reciprocate her efforts.
7) You’re Her Final Destination... She’s Your Pit Stop
Pick anywhere you want to go? She picks you each and every time. You’re her destination of choice, and nothing can throw her off track from getting to you. Meanwhile, you treat her like a pit stop to pick up what you need before heading off elsewhere. All she wants is for you to want her as much as she wants you. If not, you’ll wake up one day to discover your reservation in her life has been permanently canceled.
Are you guilty of losing the perfect woman to these relationship mistakes? We always love to hear thoughts, questions, and stories from our readers in the comment section.