How You Deal With Anger Reveals A Lot About Your Personality
Jul 11, 2018
You might think that you know people who never get angry. However, that's probably not entirely true. You just might never see them getting outwardly angry. Why? Because they know how to keep their anger in check. However, other people have incredibly short fuses. It's not totally random either. How one reacts when angered depends greatly on their personality. Below are a few examples of anger's impact.
1. Indifference
When anger hits some people, they aren't quick to react. While they might know that what happened is rage-inducing and could warrant lashing out, they decide that doing so wouldn't be beneficial to anyone. Instead of letting the anger get the best of them and making things worse, they instead decide to move on. They aren't ignoring or condoning what happened, but they are taking a mature route.
Through the practice of things like mindfulness, you can learn to see your emotions and thoughts as being separate from you. Then, when a negative experience occurs, you can let it happen without feeling as though it's trapped inside you.
2. Worrying
You might not equate anger with worrying, but they are more similar than you think. Both anger and anxiety are results of stress due to things not going our way. Should something cause anger, you can use worry in a helpful way to reach a solution. It's important, however, to know the difference being helpful and unhelpful worries. Helpful worries are ones that will lead you to a sound, informed decision, while unhelpful worries are ones that just consume you and cause further stress.
If your anger is making you worried, then you should seek outside help. Ask a friend or trained expert for a second opinion.
3. Fearful
Anger is strongly associated with uncertainty. When we don't know what to do, we can become angry. The angrier we are, the more uncertain we can become. An angry person might seem like they are in control due to how uptight they are, but they are just letting their confusion out in a particularly hostile way. If this describes you, it's important to remember that there is no shame in asking for help from others. This is a much better solution than going through life stressed and confused.
4. Holding It In
Some people have particularly good poker faces when it comes to anger. They either don't want to let on their rage to others, or they know how to analyze their feelings and realize whether or not they're worth holding onto. Suppressing anger isn't good, but one can learn how to deal with negative emotions in a way that stops them from ruining a day.
5. Taking Immediate Action
Some people get angry and immediately let others know that they are upset. They want to take the bull by the horns right away. While this might seem like a good idea, it also means that emotions can get the best of them. Instead of being able to discuss the issue in a mature and healthy manner, they become too focused on proving themselves right.
6. Exploding With Rage
The least-desired type of anger is the kind that makes you blow your lid at the drop of a hat. If your anger causes you to swell up with rage and lash out, you need to evaluate how and why this happens. Through practice and redirection of your thoughts, you might find that you can better control your anger.
Anger is much more complicated than we might realize. While it may just seem like a bad mood, it can come out in a number of different ways. You don't have to feel ashamed for feeling anger, as it is a natural emotion. However, you should be aware of how your anger affects those around you. We invite you to show this to your friends and consider how anger influences you.