High School Girl Doesn't Use Microphone To Sing National Anthem, I STILL Hear Her

Jun 15, 2018

This unbelievable video will send chills down your spine as you watch and listen to it. 

Christian Melton, the girl in this inspiring video, sang the National Anthem before her school's basketball game even though she didn't have a microphone. Most singers would be intimidated or make too many mistakes without one, but not Christian: as soon as she opened her mouth, all eyes--and ears--were on her, and she proved that talent transcends the technology we give artists. 


As soon as the singing stopped, the audience roared with praise, and an anonymous friend even leaped into her for an embrace, congratulating her and nearly crying.

Christian seemed stunned at the response even though she did a terrific and inspiring job. 

Watch the video that inspired this story below, and don't forget to send this article to your friends and loved ones. The more exposure people like Christian Melton get, the sooner we'll see them among the stars. 

We wish her all the success life can bring her and hope to see her singing go mainstream someday! Make sure you show this video to your friends and family to give them chills!