Hero Mastermind Behind Thai Cave Rescue Has Tragic Experience From His First Rescue Mission

Jul 13, 2018

In the face of extreme danger, incredible heroes sometimes rise to the occasion. Some of these heroes live to accomplish their mission, while others give their lives in the attempt. Either way, they deserve the utmost respect and admiration of both those they've risked their lives to rescue and those who are hoping and praying for the success of their mission.

In this riveting story, you'll be introduced to such inspiring heroes who were involved in the recent incredible rescue of the boys soccer team who were trapped in a cave in Thailand.

One of the heroes was Saman Gunan, a former Thai Navy SEAL. Early on, Gunan expressed his desire to bring the boys and their coach safely home. Tragically, he ended up being the only casualty involved the rescue. His job was to place oxygen canisters along the way that would be used by other rescuers later in the mission.

Sadly, Gunan lost his life on July 6 after using up all the oxygen in his own canister while completing his mission. He will long be remembered for his bravery and selflessness.


Another remarkable figure in this amazing rescue story was Dr. Richard Harris of Adelaide, Australia. Dr. Harris, a 53-year-old anesthetist, has had plenty of experience when it comes to cave exploration and rescue. He's been involved in such work for 30 years.

Back in 2011, another cave diver whom Harris knew had gotten into trouble. Agnes Milowka was exploring Tank Cave at South Australia's Mount Gambier when she began to run out of air. Sadly, she didn't survive.

Dr. Harris voluntarily searched the depths of the cave to retrieve her body.

Thankfully, the results of his most recent mission ended on a much more positive note. Dr. Harris drew on his extensive cave exploration experience to expertly advise Thai officials about the most effective way to reach and rescue the boys and their coach. He strongly urged them to bring back the weakest boys first, which was contrary to their original plan to rescue the strongest first.

Following his sound advice, the rescue team successfully brought all twelve soccer players and their coach out of the cave alive.

If you've been inspired by this account of unselfish courage, pass this story on to your family and friends and let us know what you think!