Here Are 10 Reasons How Strong Women Approach Relationships Differently
Oct 24, 2018
There are strong women everywhere. They are leaders, mothers, entrepreneurs and role models. Strong women have an independent spirit and incredible drive.
Here are 10 ways how they approach their relationships with the same energy and passion that drives them in life.
1. Strong Women Are Self-Reliant
Strong women know their relationships don’t define them. Everyone appreciates having support from the people they love, but strong women don’t wait on others to go after what they want.
They make their desires a priority, and manage their time and energy in order to go after what they want. They don’t need the validation of a relationship in order to make things happen, although they are often validated with love and admiration.
2. They Are Self-Actualized
Strong women know who they are. They don't have the answer to every problem, but they let their core values guide them as they go after all that life has to offer.
Since they know who they are, strong women know what they're looking for in a relationship. Their heads aren’t easily turned by a compliment. Their friends might think they're a little too picky, but they have every reason to be.
3. They Want To Be Equals With Their Partner
Strong women aren’t looking for someone to solve their problems, and they don't want to be a man-child's new mother. Relationships are hard work and strong women know it takes an equal investment to succeed.
They also know how fulfilling and powerful an equal partnership can be in helping both people to be their best selves.
4. Strong Women Rule Their Emotions
They are not ruled by them. Although strong women trust their feelings, they know not to let their emotions sabotage their goals. They know that being strong isn’t about repressing their emotions, but about finding a balance that works.
In relationships, they control their emotions, but they don’t let people ignore their feelings either.
5. Strong Women Use Their Voice
Strong women know that the quickest way to create resentment in a relationship is to let a negative feeling fester without being voiced. They have learned that it’s better to deal with problems in the beginning, rather than let those small disagreements become major conflicts.
They know the difference between needing to get the last word or win an argument and expressing something that is important.
6. Strong Women Put In The Work
Relationships aren’t easy. Strong women know how to take them head on, and they expect the same from their partners. A relationship is between two people, and it takes two people to make them work.
Strong women know that a relationship isn’t about control, it’s about support. It’s about two people working together to accomplish a common goal.
7. They Are Confident In Themselves
Strong women don’t get jealous every time their partner looks at or speaks to another woman. They're confident in what they bring to the table, and they trust their own judgement. They understand that expressing constant distrust can only poison a relationship, push their partner away, and only speaks to their own insecurities.
Strong women know that they’ll survive even if the worst turns out to be true.
8. Strong Women Don’t Waste Time
Since they know what they want, strong women don’t waste time on relationships that don’t serve their goals. Instead they spend time perusing those relationships that align with what they want to achieve.
9. They Don’t Let Negativity Drag Them Down
Every strong women out there knows how important it is to stay positive. Staying positive won’t guarantee that everything will work out the way you want, but being negative is a pretty good way to make sure that it won’t.
10. Strong Women Chase Their Dreams
Strong women know that you can fail at something you aren’t passionate about as easily as you can fail at something that you are passionate about. In relationships, they aren’t afraid to make the first move or make the choice to move on when things aren’t working out.
Strong women encourage and inspire everyone around them, especially in their relationships. Their powerful presence makes the rest of us want to be at our best and to work toward our own dreams.
Pass this article along to all the strong women you know in your life. What is your number one rule in a relationship? Tell us in the comments below so that we can all learn from each other!