Have You Heard Of The Blood Type Diet? It Could Change Your Life

Jul 11, 2018

When Eat Right 4 Your Type debuted in the late 1990s the world knew that Peter D’Adamo was on to something good. Not only did the diet deviate from the usual cookie-cutter options available, it is also backed scientifically. As it turns out, your blood type dictates what kind of food you should be eating. By following the Blood Type Diet, you'll be healthier with no effort at all!

There are a few simple guidelines based on your blood type. Follow them and you will be on the road to healthier eating and a more fulfilled life!

You Have Type A Blood

Type As are also known as cultivators and benefit from a largely plant-past diet. If you have this type of blood you should consider going vegetarian or vegan- or at least reducing meat in your diet. You can eat vegetables in any color of the rainbow, seeds, nuts, beans and rice or grains. The logic behind this diet is that people who are Type A sometimes have a more sensitive immune system, so they will want to pack their diets full of as many nutrients as possible.


You Have Type B Blood

Good news for people with Type B blood! Today's world is a lot more gluten-free friendly, so you will be able to enjoy to the fullest while cutting out the gluten that is not doing you any favors. If you have this blood type you should eat a lot of lean red meat and plant-based foods. Dairy and eggs are okay too. Stay away from chicken, pork, wheat, seeds, and lentils.

You Have Type AB Blood

Type AB is by far the rarest blood type in the entire world. AB negative is even rarer, with a fraction of the percentage having this unique type. As such, the AB diet is a little bit different. Some practitioners think that strict veganism is the way to go, while others encourage lean dairy and some fish. Since Doctor D'Adamo believes that people with AB Blood have low stomach acid, he recommends that they stay away from alcohol, caffeine or cured meats.

You Have Type O Blood

If you have type O Blood, you want to eat a diet that is low or contains no grains or dairy. Protein is definitely your best friend, if you have O Blood- so make sure you sure you fill your plate with chicken, fish or red meat. You will also want to be filling your plate with a rainbow of vegetables. The best way to describe the O Blood diet is to consider it a variation of the Paleo Diet. Since Paleo is so popular right now, you should have no problem finding appropriate food sources.

What are your thoughts? Are you ready to hit the supermarket and start eating right now that you know the secret to good health? Eating the proper foods for your type can change your life and give you energy, a slimmer body and better wellbeing.

Show this helpful article to your friends and family so they can figure out which foods they should be eating!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!