Have You Ever Had Deja Vu? This Is What It Really Means
Oct 30, 2018
Deja Vu can be a puzzling phenomenon. Depending on its purpose, it can elicit an array of both positive and negative emotions. Yet, if you understand what time is and your place in it, Deja Vu can become a key tool to understanding your highest self and a higher power than yourself. Let’s explore.
The Doorway To All Moments
Thich Nhat Hanh said that the only moment available to us is the present moment and that it is the doorway to all other moments. Think about this - while we physically exist at this moment, could we be our current, future, and past selves in each and every single moment?
It’s a difficult concept to fathom from inside the tiny box of perspective, or rather what’s tangible and in front of our faces in our current reality.
However, science has proven that space and time are relative to the observer. It depends entirely upon the person measuring the motion.
Combine this fact with the belief in eternal life. If you believe your soul is eternal, then it’s not a far leap to acknowledge that your future self is using memories to watch your current self.
Once you make this acknowledgment, it’s easier to step outside that box of perspective to understand that death, birth, and every moment between the two are happening in other dimensions of reality.
What Is Time?
The First Law of Thermodynamics teaches us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, right? It can only change flow and form. Since energy is the building block of all matter, we also know for a fact that every single thing is composed of energy. When you consider you are energy, it makes you ponder death’s timeline all the more.
Robert Lanza described death as an inescapable “life matrix” and life like a perennial flower without the confines of a linear dimension. What he’s saying is that life is free from time and death if it’s not linear.
So, if time isn’t this ticking clock of death, what is it? Time is merely a tool used to measure the distance between thoughts and their present moment manifestations. This observable space that separates our experiences and thoughts is in a sense what people refer to as dimensions in time.
Higher dimensional levels involve an acceleration of our own manifestations and shrinkage of space. In other words, the space between thought and manifestation lessens as you embody a more eternal and universal consciousness by becoming your past, future, and current self.
What Is Deja Vu?
Most people spend their lifetime seeking clarity. Ironically enough, it’s often right beside them. They only need to live in the present moment to see it.
Present living brings a plethora of benefits, including healing, emotional stability, positive energy flow, and overall improved health and well-being. One of the most understated and misunderstood benefits is in enhanced spirituality.
Spirituality is the need and desire to connect with something larger than ourselves. It’s a quest to bring meaning into our lives. And, when we find that connection, we’re able to gain insights and wisdom beyond what’s tangible to our physical senses.
This enables us to realize that our souls don’t merely exist within a single dimension or timeline. Your mind has an infinite number of probable realities, outcomes, and possibilities to explore prior to your current self walking each path. Deja Vu is simply your current self remembering the memory of your future self having previously explored that potential path.
Deja Vu can be your future self trying to sway your current mindset to a clarity to either stay the path by making the experience like a fond memory or shift direction by making the experience saddening or regretful. Keep your senses attuned to what your future self is trying to convey.
Why Do Some People Get Deja Vu And Other Don’t?
Do you remember what Thich Nhat Hanh said about the only moment being available to us is the present, but that it’s through that moment that we find all other moments?
This is the importance of present living. It sharpens our senses to accept what’s offered from the universe.
It’s only through present living that you find the keys to spirituality; accept greater meaning in life; allow all the doors of present, past, and future to be open; and ultimately find the ability to integrate all the above into your conscious state of awareness.
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