Have You Ever Cleansed Your Liver? 10 Signs That Indicate That It Is Full Of Toxins

Aug 22, 2018

The liver is one of the most vital organs within the body. The largest of the glands, it is responsible for synthesizing enzymes and hormones, neutralizing toxins, and playing a role in various metabolic processes. It is your ultimate cleanser, keeping your body fresh and healthy.

Over time, however, and due to a variety of factors, your live can be polluted by poisonous toxins. When this happens, the liver can fail to process and function properly due to being overworked and under more strain. If you notice any of the following signs and symptoms in yourself, seek out a doctor immediately.

Here are 10 symptoms of a toxic liver.

1. Nausea


This is one of the first signs that something may be wrong with your liver. Nausea can be particularly strong after you consume fatty foods, so be on the look-out for stomach aches, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal heaviness.


2. Feeling Weak and Fatigued


Liver problems commonly cause people to feel groggy or exhausted. This can also come along with a decreased appetite, which further contributes to feeling tired.

3. Feeling Pressure or Pain in the Upper Abdominal Area


Consuming excessive amounts of fat puts increased pressure on the chest and upper abdomen, which in turn causes pain. If your stomach also frequently bloats, it can be a sign that your liver is filled with harmful toxins.

4. Irritated Skin and Yellowing of the Eyes


A ill-performing liver doesn’t fair well for your skin. It can cause irritation as well as the development of itchy rashes and unexplainable bruises. Plus, the whites of your eyes can begin to fade to yellow.

6. Muscle and Joint Pain

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When the liver is not functioning well, the legs and joints can swell. Your muscles can also regularly develop aches and pains.

7. Fever


If you begin to notice abdominal pain and fatigue, also pay attention to your body temperature. Inflammation and/or the presence of infections can cause fever, so be sure to monitor this carefully.

8. Itching


As stated above with regards to developing a rash, the skin can also become itchy for no apparent reason. However, it can be due to an increase in bile accumulation. This is a natural bodily response that occurs when the liver fails to neutralize toxins.

9. A Change in the Color of Urine and Stool


When your liver begins to fail in its normal tasks, your urine will become noticeably darker and cloudier. By contrast, stool will lighten. These are both bad signs and should immediately raise red flags.

10. Bleeding


Though this symptom is more rare, nasal bleeding is often associated with poor liver functioning. It comes about as a result of failures in the blood coagulation process. While each symptom alone may not be a sign of toxin overload, if you notice several of these signs occurring at once, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

What Should We Protect Our Liver From?


In order to maintain your body’s normal functioning, you need to take care of your liver. As a crucial filtration system, there are certain enemies that you need to protect your liver from. These include:

Foods that Keep the Liver Healthy


Quitting the bad habits is great, but you also need to take proactive measures to nurture your liver, as well. Drinking enough water will cleanse the filter, as will consuming turmeric. Cottage cheese, whole grains, honey, and certain fruits and vegetables are great to have as staples in your diet. Good fruits include apples, bananas, pears, peaches, and apricots, while pumpkin, beets, cauliflower, carrot, and zucchini round out the vegetable list.


You only have one body- start taking better care of it today! Pass this article on to your friends and loved ones to tell them about the risks as well.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!