Guy Enrages Wife By Asking Her To Skip Her Best Friend's Wedding In Order To Be With Him On His Surgery Day

May 19, 2021

A man asked his wife to miss her best friend's wedding to be with him and support him on the day he was getting surgery. The man, 36, was scheduled to have surgery at the end of May in 2021 for a pre-existing condition, and it just so happens to be on the same day as his wife's best friend's wedding. He went to Reddit on May 11, 2021, to ask for advice on how to handle the situation, as his wife grew angry with him for asking her to choose between the two situations.

The Reddit user had been struggling with respiratory problems for quite some time, and his wife has always been extremely supportive and attentive to his medical needs. Despite this, she had been insistent with figuring out a way for her husband to have someone else be there for him for his surgery so she could attend a wedding.

Being there to support loved ones is something most people cherish within their relationships. For this man's wife, she had to choose between being there for her husband during his time of need and health problems or with her friend to celebrate her new marriage. 

A difference in opinion between the man and his wife led them to fight with each other over what the wife should do, as they were clearly not on the same page. The man then went to Reddit to voice his frustrations and further explain the situation to see if he should've handled it differently or if his wife was the one who should've bent to his needs.

The Frustrating Situation

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The man started off his Reddit post by praising his wife for all that she's done for him over the many years of him struggling with this medical condition. He explained how she has always been extremely supportive and accommodating to all his needs through the endless days the man has been suffering from his respiratory condition. "She has endured so much by shouldering this burden with me," he wrote.

Although his wife has been a shining example of what it means to be supportive in the past, she has currently shown a different side to her when she wanted to do something for herself and her own friend rather than for the husband. Rather than being there to support her husband, she has opted to spend the same day with her best friend to support her soon-to-be marriage on May 27, 2021.

The husband himself has been upset with this decision as the wedding was originally supposed to be on May 18, according to his Reddit post. "Her friend informed us about it on short notice," he wrote about the change in date. Of course, the important surgery had already been scheduled at this point. Unfortunately, the wife can not go to both her husband's surgery and her friend's wedding since the wedding is an eight-hour car drive away in the groom's hometown.

"My wife and I discussed this, and I bluntly told her I needed her there for my surgery," the man wrote. "She told me that that's her best friend and this will hopefully be her only wedding, and she wanted to attend."

An Ending Full Of Conflict

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The man was appalled when his wife suggested that he ask someone else to be his support system for that day, prompting to ask if her friend's wedding was more important than his health and the critical surgery he needed for his lung.

This only fueled the wife's fire and enraged her. "She argued that there was nothing wrong with it and I won't need her since the medical team will take care of me," the man wrote. The woman then accused her husband of forcing her to choose between him and her friend, according to his Reddit post. After arguing for a while, the wife finally insisted that she wanted to attend her best friend's wedding.

"I told her she was being unreasonable and I never expected her to prioritize a wedding over my health," the Reddit user wrote. "She loudly yelled, 'What do you want me to do? I might lose my friend over this,' then stopped talking to me." 

Since their fight, the man has had time to reflect and has been rethinking how the situation should have been handled. "I think I handled this badly and acted in (an) ungrateful manner, but I think she's the one who doesn't understand the difference since my surgery is an emergency and if her best friend is a good friend then she'd understand," he completed his Reddit post.

The post has received over 3,000 comments, with 95 percent of users up-voting it and showing their support for the man. Although his wife has been put in a hard position, the man has made it apparent that he feels she should stay by his side while she wants to attend her friend's wedding at the end of May 2021.

Many users took the husband's side and commented on the fact that, should complications arise, and an important medical decision needs to be made, his wife will be eight hours away as the medical emergency contact.

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What do you think about this situation? Should the wife attend her friend's wedding or stay by her husband's side during his surgery? Let us know your thoughts, and be sure to pass this along to your friends and family.

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