Groom-To-Be Ditches Bride On Their Wedding Day & Days Later Apologizes Explaining His Actions

Nov 08, 2023

Many would agree that one’s wedding day is a delicate one that signifies joy. Nonetheless, it is pertinent to note that emotions are usually high at weddings, and the slightest of inconveniences could drastically change the day. However, one cannot begin to fathom the level of pandemonium that will ensue when either the bride or groom refuses to show up. This was the plight of a Redditor who could not come to terms with the level of hurt that coursed through her after her fiancé left her at the altar on their big day.

Reddit user RedOat12 took to the Advice subreddit community in 2022, opening up on a great day that turned unforgettable and sordid. She had been waiting for the day she would say her wedding vows, and when it came, her husband-to-be went missing. He would return days later, and his excuse was even more earth-shattering. 

The bride started her story by explaining how she appeared at her wedding ceremony while the groom was a complete no-show. His friends and family members were as confused as she was because they could neither reach him through his cell phone nor did they have an idea where he could be. She revealed how she continued dialing his cell, but it only went “straight to voice-mail.” 

The lady revealed that she waited one hour after her arrival, hoping he would show up, and when he didn’t, she gathered her guests together and told them there would be no wedding. She continued

“I opened the reception hall and told them to enjoy the food and open bar, even if there was no ceremony, I still wanted them to have a good time and enjoy the food and drinks.” 

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The Redditor noted that she tried reaching out more times via her cellphone, but her groom's stony silence remained the same. At this point, she was so fed up that she asked everyone else to stop trying to contact him, as it was clear he did it all on purpose. She relayed how she held in her emotions, refusing to cry so she could get through the day. The Redditor explained how her mother-in-law-to-be became quite emotional while apologizing to her in tears. 

She commended her friends, relaying how they came through for her while making sure the situation did not get more awkward than it already was. She recalled how they provided optimum entertainment, and she felt a bit relieved despite the turmoil within. She also mentioned how her would-be brother-in-law Ethan looked out for her, making sure she did not get drunk. 

After the event, the lady told her guests to take back their gifts. However, some refused and made sure she kept them. The following day, the Redditor’s fiancé contacted her. She revealed: “I got a couple of missed calls from my fiancé and several messages that I haven’t opened yet. I’m so angry at him, he humiliated me yesterday by not showing up when he could’ve told me he was getting cold feet. I had my friend message him that I want to be left alone and that if he showed up to the hotel room, I was going to call my brothers to have him removed.”

She noted that although her lover did not show up, his friends begged her to listen to what he had to say. At that point, the Redditor had begun to reevaluate the relationship, as she felt they no longer had a future together.

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The jilted bride further indicated how they made plans to enjoy their supposed honeymoon, and since she no longer had a groom, she decided to go on the vacation alone. Because she had an extra ticket, her friends decided to go with her. She also thought about inviting Ethan because he had travel experience at the honeymoon location, but she changed her mind. The bride continued by explaining that she finally read her fiance’s text messages. She wrote:

“Yes, he’s alive, he wasn’t in any terrible accident and the reason he never showed up was because he found out he has a kid. His childhood sweet heart came by with a kid maybe a couple of weeks ago…” 

She added that the best man knew about her fiance’s situation but did not tell her due to his request. The fiancé apologized several times, noting that he decided not to show up for their wedding because he felt guilty. He also said he wanted to make things right for his child and make up for lost time, but she felt he needed an excuse to get back with his ex. The Reddit bride ultimately shared that she felt there was more to the situation. 

Other Reddit users shared their two cents, with one person writing, “Any relationship you had with your fiancé should DEFINITELY be over.” Another penned, “He showed you who he is, it’s time to put yourself first… Enjoy your vacation, invite anyone you want…” A third commenter said, “He did something very cruel. There should be nothing to re-think. He doesnt deserve you.” A Reddior added, “In my humble opinion, there is no excuse that could possibly be acceptable for the cowardly act...”

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What are your thoughts on the groom’s reasons for leaving his bride at the altar? Do you think the Redditor should move on with her love life? Let us know, and be sure to pass this on to others.

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