Grieving Mother Warns Parents After Daughter Died While Sleeping In The Car Seat
Aug 29, 2018
Three years ago, Mia Smith lost her life after she was napping in a car seat. Her mother is speaking out about the story to warn parents about the dangers of car seat naps.
Mia had just barely reached 18 months old when she was put down for a nap by the babysitter she'd had for a long time. Instead of moving her to the crib just feet away, the babysitter put her in her car seat.
That was the biggest mistake of her life.
Mia's mother, Lisa Smith, says the call she received at work was the worst phone call she'd ever had. The coroner stated that Mia died of positional asphyxia. Positional asphyxia occurs when a child has their airway blocked by a sitting position, keeping them from breathing. They then suffocate. Children are particularly vulnerable to this, as before a certain age, their neck muscles aren't developed enough to support their heads.
Experts say that car seats were never designed for children to sleep. When straps aren't fastened tightly, children can slump down in the seat and have their airways blocked. She says that babies cannot sleep in a car seat outside of a car, and that the idea that they can is a misconception with fatal consequences. The straps of the seat can strangle the baby, and their airway can be cut off if their head dips down to their chin.
The Journal of Pediatrics published a study indicating that 31 children died due to car seat sleeping over a four year period. Many parents don't know about the dangers. Smith says that's why she needs to share the story about her daughter. She's determined to make sure it doesn't happen to another parent.
Smith says that when she sees people using car seats for their sleeping child, she walks up to them and tells them her story. She asks them to be careful. Lisa knew that sleeping in a car seat is dangerous, but she didn't know that the babysitter did not. Lisa says that Mia didn't deserve what happened, but neither do other families. That's why she's speaking out instead of grieving quietly.
This heartbreaking tragedy was preventable. Did you know about the dangers of sleeping in car seats?