Great-Grandmother From Italy Who Was Europe's Oldest Person Has Passed Away Aged 116

Jun 19, 2019

In 1903, the Ottoman Empire was still around, morse code was yet to be invented, and nobody had ever been to the North Pole. It might seem like eons ago, but it was also astonishingly the birth year of Giuseppina Robucci.

Robucci died on Tuesday at the age of 116 years and 90 days according to Time. That marks her as Europe’s oldest person at the time of her death, which was in the Italian town of Poggio Imperiale in Puglia.

The Gerontology Research Group tracks supercentenarians (people older than 110) and their rankings of age. According to them, Robucci was only two months younger than the oldest living person. Kane Tanaka was born on January 2, 1903, in Japan.

Giuseppina Robucci wasalso  known as Nonna Peppa and ran a coffee bar with her husband for many years. The couple had five children, nine grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. It is reported in Time that she was crowned an honorary mayor of her home town in 2012.

Alfonso D’Aloisio, the town’s official mayor made a statement to the Italian press agency ANSA and said, “We are saddened by her death, but at the same time we are honored to have had her as a fellow citizen.”

It must have been something in the Mediterranean diet and sea air that affects Italian aging in such a positive way. Italy was previously the home of Emma Morano, the world’s oldest person who died in 2017 at the ripe old age of 117 years, reported the Guardian.

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Rest in Peace to Nonna Peppa. What do you think was the secret key to her long and healthy life? Let us know in the comments and spread the word.