Girl Coming Home from School Is Welcomed By A Chicken

Oct 12, 2018

You've probably heard of dogs running down the driveway to welcome children home when they get off the school bus. The animal that greets this little girl is a bit different.

Frog is a rooster that enjoys running down the driveway to greet his owner as soon as she gets home each afternoon. Savannah enjoys seeing her rooster running down the driveway and often plays with him in the afternoon.

When Frog reaches Savannah, the little girl picks him up in her arms and gives him a hug. As soon as the rooster is in her arms, Savannah and her friend walk to the house together.

Even if it's raining or the air is chilly, Frog greets Savannah. He doesn't miss a day running down the driveway. It's an adorable display of affection that is shared between a girl and her pet. When the rooster runs down the driveway, he sprints instead of walking. You can see that he knows just when the bus is supposed to arrive each day.

The training that has gone into making sure that Frog doesn't miss seeing Savannah is impeccable. Savannah doesn't seem to mind picking up Frog, even if he has sharp claws. Frog runs around and plays games with Savannah as well. The two appear as though they are the best of friends and don't seem to mind that one is quite smaller than the other.

It's not a traditional relationship that you would expect to see, but it's one that does show the love that you can have for an animal that isn't a dog, cat, or another common pet that is found in the home.

Watch as Frog races down the drive to see Savannah, stopping at just the right time so that she can pick him up in her arms. Show this to your animal loving friends and family members!