Get Ready For The Moon Phenomenon This March That May Have An Impact On Your Life
Mar 27, 2018
Are you ready for some changes in your life? There will be a Blue Moon March 31st that may have an impact on your future. The whole month of March is already unpredictable and full of energy and will play host to two full moons. The first full moon called Worm Moon appears between March 1-2 and the Blue Moon will appear the night of March 31st.
If you’re unsure of what this means and questioning the magnificence of the moon, then keep reading to find out how this phenomenon may affect you.
A full moon has many magical properties that are believed to boost your mood, stir up your emotions, recharge your energy, and provide time for healing and meditating. A moon appeared March 1-2 called the Worm Moon, which surrounded us with consciousness and direction and subconsciously caused you to look deeper into your soul and clear mistakes that you’ve made in the past year.
Have you felt a sudden urge to fix your relationship with the people you may have hurt in the past year and tie up any loose ends? This is due to the energy from the Worm Moon.
Early 2018 played host to a Super Blue Blood Moon, which is when a Blue Moon, Blood Moon and Super Moon collide. The phenomenon took people’s breath away as they got a glimpse of this once-in-a-lifetime event. The appearance of a Super Blue Blood Moon stirred up a lot of emotions and may have even ended some relationships due to its ties to the underworld.
However, March is now a time for reflection in preparation for a shift in energy when the Sun transits to Aries. There will be a rush of emotions until the appearance of the Blue Moon, which may cause you to make rushed decisions and act spontaneously.
The Blue Moon’s energy on March 31st may have an impact on your life that will bring many unexpected changes. You will find yourself in places you’ve never been before and experience a little magic you didn’t think possible. Don’t worry if you feel lost at first because that’s just part of the journey.
Have faith in the moon! Its energy is here to help and guide you.
Let your friends know about the magical shift that will occur on March 31st by showing them this article. They’ll be glad you did :)