Get A Room: Restaurants Hate It When Couples Do These 14 Obnoxious Things

Jul 04, 2018

Oftentimes, when couples partake in a restaurant meal, they tend to forget that they are not the only people in the room. They will engage in more private activities that make the people around them look away and feel highly uncomfortable. These types of couples ignore the commonly-accepted rules of public etiquette that go along with sitting in a restaurant and enjoying a meal without disturbing other patrons around them.

They even go as far as to act like they are appalled and insulted if someone tells them that their actions are far from appropriate for a social setting. It usually means that everyone around them suffers the consequences of their actions and not only are uncomfortable but probably have ruined their meal and a pleasurable night out with their family or friends.

Here are some of the most common occurrences of couples behaving badly in restaurants that most people have experienced:

1. Loud “Baby Talk”

We get that you are in the throngs of the first stages of love and find each other to be more fascinating than anyone else but exploring your “cutesy” side with one another with insipid baby talk and doing it loud enough for others to hear is just obnoxious. At first, people may laugh, but then it gets on everyone’s nerves and start to sound very weird. So, cut it out and act like an adult.

2. Getting Engaged

This is a life-long commitment that should be executed behind closed doors instead of made into a superficial spectacle. While you may think that others will find it romantic and charming, many people find that the intimacy of such a moment being made public is embarrassing for everyone. You also will be extremely caught off guard if the other person says, “No” in front of an entire restaurant full of people whose eyes are on you.

3. Quarreling…Loudly

Fights tend to escalate rather quickly, especially when a couple is sitting closely together and can’t actually walk away easily to cool down. So, if your relationship is at a breaking point, and you think that a “nice, quiet meal” might give both of you a reprieve from fighting, don’t count on it. If you feel a fight coming on that may disturb an entire restaurant, then stay home and talk it out instead.

4. Sharing a Seat

Sitting on the same side of the booth gives a whole new meaning to we are two parts that make up a whole! That does not translate well when it comes to physical space; it looks awkward and usually means you are eating practically on top of each other which makes people around you possibly feel uncomfortable and makes both of you look rather silly. Instead, sit separately, gaze into each other’s eyes, and have a romantic, adult conversation.

5. Food Selfies

Okay, your friends and family get that you are both foodies and love to go out to eat together, but do you have to take a picture of every course of every meal and post it on social media? Most people begin to find this rather pretentious and impolite as if you are gloating about your restaurant adventures while everyone else is sitting at home eating macaroni and cheese on a Wednesday night. Pick and choose what you post and keep it to special events only.

6. Flirting

With each other is annoying enough, but couples are constantly on the lookout for couple friends, and restaurants are the perfect place to find them. However, if you're just trying to enjoy an un-obnoxious meal with your partner, being talked to can be ery irritating!

7. Ending the Relationship

This is usually on the part of one person as opposed to both people, but if you think doing it in public will keep the other person from causing a scene, you may be very wrong. What can transpire is a full waterworks of emotion and even a violent outburst resulting in security stepping in to remove both of you. Thinking this one through beforehand and opting to do it in a private space may be a better choice.

8. Playing with each other’s body parts

I mean, really? Do other people need to be subjected to your footsies under the table or the constant touching of your significant other’s hair? It actually is quite unhygienic and other people will see it that way as well. Many people also find such public displays very uncomfortable, so you may be creating an awkward atmosphere for others who are trying to relax and enjoy their meal.

9. Couple Selfies

Just like the food selfies, these pics can be extremely irritating for the same reason—your family and friends don’t need a play-by-play of your night out any more than you need one of theirs. If it is a special night out, then take a picture or two and be done with it. But if it is just another Friday night at a favorite restaurant, no one on social media needs a picture of you and your significant other holding up your fifth drink or clinging your forks together as you dig into the dessert that you’re sharing. They get it, you’re eating. They do it sometimes, too. Don’t make it a big deal every single time. ##heading##10. Sharing Food##/heading## ##text## Couples who are newly in love tend to want to share everything, including their food. That means many of them to subject the people around them in restaurants to having to watch them spoon-feed each other morsels of food from each other’s plates. It is usually followed by audible sounds of pleasure at how good it tastes. This can go on throughout the entire meal, making everyone around them nauseous. Only infants should be fed, so cut the baby stuff and feed yourselves.

11. Overstaying Your Welcome

Not all couples live together, and that is a reality, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend all your quality time together at the restaurant table long after you have finished your meal. This is especially annoying and rude when couples do it on a busy Friday or Saturday night at a popular local restaurant with a line of people waiting to be seated, or around closing time. They linger and longingly look into each other’s eyes as they sip their glasses of wine or drink their after-dinner coffees as if no one else is in the restaurant, ignoring the 20 people queued up behind them waiting for them to leave.

12. An Unruly Child

Yes, it may be difficult to find the time to have a couple’s night out, so you opt to bring your toddler along on what should be a romantic evening out. But what transpires is you stare longingly into each other’s eyes as your child screams for attention and disturbs just about everyone in the restaurant. Find a sitter instead and try the night out again…on your own.

13. Awkward. Dead. Silence.

Did you ever hear the saying the silence can be deafening? Well, it actually makes some people uncomfortable to be sitting near a couple that literally is not engaging in even one word of conversation. A feeling of tension that this creates actually makes those around you just tense as well if they are laughing and having a good time and feeling awkward about it.

14. Getting Hot And Heavy In The Bathroom

When people say to you that you need to “get a room”, they don’t mean find a space in the restaurant! If you just can’t control yourselves at the table long enough to finish your meal before you feel the need to have sex, then quietly ask for the check and go home. It is also not very healthy to use a public space to copulate for you and for the other people who use it after you.

Do you find these things annoying, too? If you have had your own experiencing with couples and their annoying behavior in restaurants that other can relate to then give us your story!