French Bulldog Stuck In Traffic Throws A Temper Tantrum
Jul 07, 2020
A french bulldog puppy was sitting in the back seat of his owner's car when they got stuck in traffic. Just like most of us, the adorable pup wasn't happy about the situation and threw a temper tantrum.
Let's be honest here - nobody likes to have to sit in traffic. For most of us, it's quite honestly one of the most frustrating experiences in possibly all of existence. Sure, traffic is only a minor inconvenience when you're on your way to run a simple errand and not on a schedule. But, when the highways become a parking lot, it's like the collective road rage meter gets turned up a notch. We all know, and nobody judges you for it when you're driving.
One pup, however, doesn't even like riding through traffic. Walter, an adorable French Bulldog, is in the back seat of his mom's car when they get stuck in traffic, and, according to him, it's simply not okay. Wherever it is he and his mom are going, he clearly wanted to be there half an hour ago. As soon as the car stops moving, you can hear him getting just the tiniest bit frustrated.
The video, which was captured by his owner, is absolutely hilarious. The car is stopped, not moving an inch. When the video starts, we hear Walter start whining just a little bit. From what we see here, we are guessing that these tantrums are nothing unusual for Walter. Within moments of his first few whines, his mom says, "Can we not do this? Let's just not do this right now, please." That exasperation is the exasperation of a pet parent who is all too used to their animal's routines.
Naturally, Walter doesn't listen. Dogs rarely do, because they make their own rules. Within moments, he's howling, whining, and making a scene. Though his owner doesn't tell us where they're going, we can tell he's eager to get there, and stopping makes him very unhappy. It's not like we can blame Walter, though - nobody likes having to wait for traffic to clear. It can feel like you're sitting there forever. Sometimes, it feels like you only move an inch when traffic does move, and then you're stuck again.
Really, Walter is just expressing the frustration we all have over being stuck in traffic. Maybe his owner is taking him to his favorite park, or for a nice, long walk. Wherever it is they're going, he knows they won't get there until the car starts moving again. And clearly, he knows that if you're in the car, that means you're supposed to be moving. When the car stops moving, he starts grumbling. Don't we all?
Ultimately, it doesn't matter who you are. We all hate sitting in traffic, we all hate rush hour, and we all just want to get where we are going. If you're making a road trip, for instance, you may just be ready to get out of the car and enjoy the actual fun parts of your trip. Sitting in the same position in the car for hours on end gets really tiring, really fast. Walter agrees. He also knows that we all get tired of being the one who grumbles and complains about the traffic buildup, so he does it for us. He's just expressing the frustration we all feel.
Next time you're stuck in traffic, keep Walter in mind. Remember that being frustrated because you aren't going anywhere is perfectly normal, and even our four-legged-friends understand just how irritating it can be to be in the car, ready to go, and getting nowhere.
What did you think about Walter's complaints? Did he summarize your feelings on traffic adequately, or do you not mind as much? Let us know, and feel free to pass this along to your friends who hate traffic, too.