Four Laws Of Karma That You Need To Know About
Jun 28, 2018
Karma is all about cause and effect. Without one, there can’t be the other. When it comes to making meaningful change in your life, you want all your causes to have good effects. This means that you have to become very good at recognizing the patterns of behavior and action in your life. Are you always in crisis or always experiencing peace? The patterns in your life reveal the deeper truths that karma is trying to teach you. Here are four karmic laws that you need to know about. Study them and see what they reveal about your life.
1. Growth
The law of growth states that you always have the capacity to grow and transform regardless of what circumstance you find yourself in. You can be in the middle of a tumultuous divorce or on the brink of getting a new job and still find something that stimulates your personal growth.
2. Responsibility
Other people may hurt you, keep you down, or tell you lies but you are ultimately responsible for your reaction. How you behave in response to people’s choices is very telling; you can learn a lot about yourself by studying your first reactions to other people. Do you have a tendency to be judgmental or picky? You need to accept responsibility for your thoughts and actions; karma says so.
3. Change
The law of change states that nothing will change until you make it change. That is, if you are stuck in a repeating pattern of sadness, then you need to do something to change it; otherwise, that pattern will continue without interruption. Change must be adopted from the inside first. You have to resolve to do something different and then take meaningful steps to make that decision manifest in the world. It’s not enough to simply make up your mind to change; you have to put that thought into action, too.
4. Be Present
Ultimately, the present is all we have; karma reminds us to live in the present moment instead of dwelling excessively in the past or dreaming exclusively of the future. The past is already over and done with; we can’t do anything to change it. The future has yet to arrive, so thinking about it isn’t going to make arrive faster. Loving the present moment is essential.
Karma has so much to teach; it’s not all about making you feel bad about past choices. When you choose to listen to karma’s lessons, you can begin to live a fuller, more enlightened life. Be sure to show this list of essential karmic lessons to someone else who wants to live more consciously.