Flight Attendant Gets Fired Because Her Boyfriend Proposed To Her Mid-Flight
Sep 24, 2018
There's nothing more romantic than a man asking for a woman's hand in marriage. A marriage proposal shows love, commitment, loyalty and care. The man is telling the woman he wants to be with her and only her for the rest of their lives.
And what more exciting way to profess your undying love than on an airplane, sailing over the countryside?
Well, a man on China Eastern Airlines actually did that, proposing to his girlfriend, who was working on the airline as a flight attendant. At first, everything seemed perfect; overwhelmed with excitement, the young lady used the flight announcement system to thank the applauding passengers.
Unfortunately, following that, the results were far from what you'd expect in a movie: she was fired!
After the flight, the young woman received a letter of termination from the airline company. This was reported by Liaoning STV on Singapore's Channel 8 on September 12th.
You may be wondering: how could the company be so callous? Her boyfriend proposed to her; a deeply-emotional once-in-a-lifetime event.
Nothing bad happened on the flight! This young lady did nothing wrong!
But, remember that there are always two sides to every story. Many others believe the proposal was a bad idea, stating that the incident created a disturbance.
They argued that the excitement and commotion caused by the proposal compromised the safety of the passengers.
They stated that in order to maintain security on a flight, the environment must be free of distractions and chaos.
Lastly, they pointed out that the surprise of the event made people get out of their seats and move around the plane.
An entire plane full of people moving around could actually change the weight-distribution of the flight. This could cause the plane to lose control.
At the same time, you can see that both sides have a point. Keep in mind the woman who was fired had no hand in planning this event, and was simply responding the same way most people probably would have.
Also, is termination really a fair punishment? If she had been a good employee up to that point, was this one infraction really worthy grounds to fire her?
At the same time, many people believe that occasions like this should be kept private. That is also understandable.
As of now, China Eastern Airlines have not commented or issued a statement regarding the incident.
So what do you think? Do you think it was unfair for China Eastern Airlines to fire this woman over her reaction to the marriage proposal? Or do you think that she compromised airline security and deserved to be let go? Let us know what you think. Also, show this article to your friends and see what they have to say about it. Let's get some thoughtful discussion going!