Farmer Believes Cow Is Pregnant But Stands There Stunned Because He Finally Sees 'The Baby'
Aug 28, 2020
One Minnesota-based family of farmers got an amazing surprise when their pregnant cow gave birth on May 24th, 2018. Chuck and Deb Beldo knew their cow was pregnant, but they certainly did not expect her to give birth to more than one calf — let alone four.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)
The Beldos are a small farming family based in Minnesota. Back in 2018, a pregnant cow of theirs was visibly bigger than expected. But they didn´t expect what happened when it gave birth: Not one, but four healthy little calves saw the light of day.
Experts estimate that the chances of a cow having triplets are roughly one in 105,000. Keep in mind that this statistic doesn't account for failed births or those in which baby calves died soon after birth.
An article from Minnesota Public Radio indicates that the approximate odds of a cow giving birth to four living calves that did not die soon after birth was roughly one in 11.1 million! Isn't it amazing that this Minnesota-based, small-time farming family got blessed with the lottery-esque odds of having a cow that yielded four healthy calves?
Fortunately, Chuck and Deb Beldo had plenty of room to keep the four calves. They also had plenty of help, as their grandkids were more than happy to entertain the four baby calves they never expected their grandparent's cow would give birth to.
Deb and Chuck Beldo weren't aware of how many babies were going to come out of their pregnant, to-be-momma cow until the birthing commenced. They thought twins would come out because the cow was bigger than normal — they sure thought wrong! Check out the video right below. You don´t want to miss out on the sweet pictures of the grandkids taking care of the cute, black calves.
Have you ever seen a cow give birth to twins, or maybe even triplets? Tell us about it and make sure to pass this amazing story on to your family and loved ones.