Highly Satisfying Aerial Footage Of 42,000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Being Completed

May 25, 2020

They say the greatest journey begins with but a single step. In the same way, the greatest jigsaw puzzle begins with but a single piece. For the man in this viral video, after he placed that first piece, he only had 41,999 to go.

The puzzle holds the world record for the largest single image in a jigsaw puzzle timelapse. When completed, the 42,000 piece monster spans a whopping 25 feet by 5 feet. It features major famous landmarks from all around the world.

This video shows more than a long screenshot of a big puzzle. It actually shows the man putting together the puzzle with time-lapse photography.

Anyone who has even worked on a small jigsaw puzzle will appreciate the method and effort put into this oversize project. Despite being faced with a daunting amount of 42,000 pieces, the puzzle maker follows time-honored practices.


First he sorts the pieces, arranging them in a long line and separating them into buckets. It's not clear what criteria he uses to determine what bucket they will go in, but it is probably color.

Then he sets the edges. Once the gigantic rectangle is set in place, the arduous task of filling it in begins.

Inch by inch he completes the inner puzzle. He finishes a landmark at a time. Sometimes he assembles small sections on a piece of cardboard outside the main puzzle and then joins them into the whole.

The aerial cam records each movement faithfully. We aren't told how long it took him to finish the puzzle in real-time, but the two and a half minute video documents are true labors of love.

Jigsaw puzzle aficionados will have the most appreciation for the patient determination it must have taken to complete this incredible task. Most of us would feel challenged by a puzzle of a 'mere' 1000 pieces, and we would want a lot of people to help.

People around the internet have watched this amazing man piece together his magnum opus. He takes the chaos of scattered, mixed up pieces and instills a calm order.

The result is a project well deserving of praise and the Guinness World Record prize. Experience this incredible achievement here. What's the largest puzzle you've ever completed? Tell us in the comments and share this outstanding video with your friends!