Elephant Thrashes Through Water To Save Baby Who Fell In And It All Got Filmed By The Security Camera

Sep 24, 2018

Elephants are truly amazing animals. Their large, majestic stature will win over your heart quickly. They are one of the smartest animals on the planet. They use analytical thinking to take care of themselves in the wild. Their thought process can even be described as “street smarts.”

You’ll soon see why this is said when you watch the video.

Adult elephants are very much like humans when it comes to taking care of their young in the wild.

A perfect example of this was captured in South Korea when an elephant calf slipped at the Seoul Grand Park Zoo.


The calf was having a wonderful day in the habitat. He could be seen exploring his surroundings and basking in the warm sun as a young calf will do. According to news.com.au, the young elephant was walking around the enclosure when it slipped near a play pond, falling in.

Unfortunately, the pond was deeper than the young elephant could stand in. He started to thrash and struggle in the water. There seemed to be no possibility that he would make it out by himself, as the water was just too deep.

In the video, you can clearly see that the baby goes underwater and is struggling. He is helpless and cannot get out on his own. Luckily, there were adult elephants nearby who immediately came to his rescue.

You can even see the elephant in the back come running almost as soon as the baby hits the water.

The two adults were very calm and seemed to know exactly what to do to save the young elephant from drowning.

They first tried to use their massive trunks to pull the calf from the pond. When they realized this wouldn’t work, they rushed into the water themselves and immediately made their way over to the baby.

The two adult elephants than corralled the young one through the pond, over to the edge, using their large trunks as floatation devices.

They helped the baby get to shallower water. From there, he could stand on his own and was able to walk out of the pond to safer ground.

Watching these elephants in action shows that they are kind, gentle creatures. They have motherly instincts and will do what they can to save their own.

We don’t know if these two elephants were the actual parents of the calf. But we do know that they did not hesitate to help out a fellow elephant in need.

Their quick thinking definitely saved this young one from harm.

We have no doubt that elephants are always looking out for one another. They step in to help, even if there is a risk to their own well-being. We love that these two quickly stepped in to save this little one when he needed it the most!

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