Elephant Stomps On Sprinklers To Create Personal Sprinklers And Wins The Everyone's Hearts

Nov 07, 2018

Elephants are incredible creatures. Not only are they a matriarchal family, but they are also well known for their amazing memories. Everyone knows elephants can be majestic creatures.

However, elephants can also be incredibly fun and funny. They have personalities as big as they are! They often love to play in the water. They like to dive, float, and even swim whenever they can.

Many people try to keep these majestic creatures safe from poachers who want to harvest their ivory tusks.

National parks have been designed to keep these elephants safe, but sometimes it prevents them from reaching their familial watering holes.

Scientists have discovered that an elephant’s hide needs water and it is more permeable than most. Bathing in water helps keep the elephants cool in the incredibly hot weather of their homelands.


A Rescue Center in Thailand Watches Elephants Play in the Water

One particular rescue center in Northern Thailand has become well known for being an incredible rescue center and sanctuary for elephants.

One of the elephants at the Elephant Nature Park in the Chiang Mai Province particularly loves the water. Faa Sai is an elephant that has revealed how intelligent she is in how she plays. She likes to hang out by the sprinklers and she loves to feel the cool water on her skin.

She is so smart that she will change the position of the sprinkler so it will splash water all over her body. She just loves being covered in water!

This Elephant Loves to Play in the Sprinklers, Just Like Us!

Faa Sai loves to wag her skinny tail while she plays in the sprinklers. However, in this video, you will see that she doesn’t believe the water pressure is strong enough.

All of the sudden, Faa Sai shoves the sprinkler with her foot. Eventually, she puts enough pressure on the sprinkler that it sinks into the ground and is completely submerged in the dirt!

The Battle Royal Between Faa Sai and the Sprinkler

The sprinkler puts up a good fight, but it simply can’t handle the weight of the elephant. Faa Sai gets her wish and more water comes out of the sprinkler than before.

Eventually, the water soaks the ground and makes it soft enough hat Faa Sai pushes it completely into the ground.

Just Like a Cartoon!

The elephant starts to put her weight on the water to keep it from going everywhere. However, the ground quickly becomes muddy.

That won’t keep this elephant from enjoying herself! Check out this video to watch the adorable elephant play in the water!