Eight Brides Passed Down A $100 Wedding Dress For 72 Years Through The Family

Jun 26, 2023

When trends come and go, one family has defied the passage of time by upholding a cherished tradition that spans over seven decades. Passed down from one bride to another is a timeless wedding dress that has become a symbol of love, family, and enduring relationships.

This remarkable tale began on Sept. 16, 1950, when Adele Larson walked down the aisle to marry Roy Stoneber in a satin gown with a mandarin collar, a lace panel adorning the front and back, and delicate small buttons. Adele discovered the dress at the iconic Marshall Field's department store in Chicago. 

Little did she know that this elegant gown would become a precious heirloom cherished by generations to come. The price tag of $100.75 may seem modest by today's standards, but it held immeasurable value in terms of sentiment and tradition.

When Adele's sister Elly Larson prepared to exchange vows with John Milton in June 1953, she too decided to don the beloved dress. Elly nixed her mother's suggestion of shopping for a new wedding gown because she already had Adele's. Thus, for the second time around, the dress became a symbol of love and family unity.

Sharon Larson, the third bride to wear the dress, followed in her sisters' footsteps when she married John Frank in May 1969. Reflecting on her decision, Sharon emphasized the joy and pride she felt in wearing the dress, which she first saw at five years old and then again when she was eight years old. To her, it wasn't a matter of obligation but rather a celebration of family bonds and shared traditions. It was a fun and natural choice that beautifully connected the past with the present.

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The dress continued its journey through time with the next generation. Sue Stoneberg, Adele's daughter, walked down the aisle in 1982, honoring the dress and the deep bond she shared with her mother. 

Carol Milton, Elly's daughter, stepped into the dress in 1990 when she married Lawrence Zmuda. Carol's decision was effortless and resolute, inspired by her deep admiration for the women who had worn it before her. 

"I never gave it a second thought to get any other dress than the one I had," Carol said, per Bride. "It was just I loved my aunts, my mom, my cousin. It was just sort of like, 'I'm wearing what they wore.' It just was not a decision."

Jean Milton, Carol's sister, also felt the pull of the family tradition and chose to wear the dress the following year when she wed Tom Ellis. In February 2013, Julie Frank Mackey, Adele's niece and Sharon's daughter, honored the legacy of her family but added her personal touch to the dress. With a ribbon hem and an open neckline, Julie made the gown uniquely hers while still acknowledging its timeless beauty.

The women entrusted the wedding dress to the care of professional cleaners and meticulously stored it to maintain its pristine condition for the next generations. Sharon embraced the responsibility of preserving the dress, utilizing her sewing skills to ensure its longevity.

As Serena Stoneberg, Adele's granddaughter, walked down the aisle in August 2022, the tradition continued with her marriage to Chris Lipari. The dress, resplendent with history and sentiment, exuded an air of celebration, representing the strength and love that have united the family for generations.

"There's just something like magic to it that it has looked good on every bride," Serena told Good Morning America


This $100 wedding dress serves as a testament to the power of love and the strength of family ties. What can you say about this unique family tradition? Do you know someone with a similar experience? Pass this story along to family and friends for inspiration!

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