Dotted Nails And Other Bodily Signs That Indicate You Lack Certain Nutrients

Mar 09, 2016

Many people rush to the doctor when they experience abnormal bodily signs, such as dotted nails and gray hair. In most cases, these signs may not be due to serious medical conditions, but as a result of nutritional deficiencies. This article focuses on these signs and the foods to counter the problems.

Dry, Scaly Skin

Cold weather can cause top layers of the skin to dry and form scales. However, not all people with dry, scaly skins are exposed to cold weather. The type of nutrients you take contributes highly to the state of your outer skin. Lack of vitamin A can cause skin dryness, which may eventually lead to scaling and other skin conditions.

Vitamin A is also known as retinol. Earlier, retinol was used to treat acne and reduce symptoms of psoriasis. The vitamin normalizes skin functions, promoting turnover of cells and controlling several growth factors that affect your skin, thus, reversing skin dryness and scaling as well as correcting other skin conditions. Make your skin look great again by eating vitamin A-rich foods, such as pasteurized cream and butter, seafood, meat and cod liver.

Greasy, Red Skin That Has Scales

You may be lacking vitamin B2, or riboflavin if you experience skin dryness, itching, sores on your nose and cracking at the corners of the lips. Other conditions that indicate vitamin B2 deficiency include eczema and rosacea.

Vitamin B2 not only aids red blood cells production, but it also protects the nervous system and boosts the functioning of the immune system. Eat more of yogurt, turkey, beet greens, spinach and soybeans to improve the levels of this vitamin in your body.

White-spotted And Brittle Fingernails

Most of us think that calcium deficiency is the main cause of fingernails and bones problems. No doubt, however, lack of enough magnesium and zinc can also cause such problems. Lack of magnesium can cause poor growth of nails, weakness, anxiety and hypertension. Just like an injury to the parathyroid glands, magnesium deficiency can cause hypoparathyroidism. This condition can cause nails to brittle, cataracts, tingling in the limbs and dry hair.

Be sure to eat more of dried fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, fish and whole grains to prevent and counter problems related to magnesium deficiency. Little white spots on nails may be due to lack of enough zinc. To counter this problem, eat seafood, mushrooms, and cashew nuts. Beans and spinach may also help supply you with zinc.

Cold Hands

In most cases, people associate cold hands with cold weather, poor blood circulation, and even weak immune systems. Cold hands may, however, a signal that you lack iodine, an essential part of your diet that the thyroid needs to produce thyroid hormone. Research by National Health Nutritional Examination has shown that levels of iodine, an element is readily found in seas, have reduced by about 50 percent. Your thyroid gland is more likely to swell and cause extreme pain if you suffer from severe iodine deficiency. If you or a person you know suffers from iodine deficiency.

Make sure that you consume foods that contain high amounts of iodine, including tuna and shrimp. Other good sources of iodine for you and your family include cod and sea vegetables, such as seaweed.

Sweating Head

Excessively sweating head that may indicate that you have low levels of vitamin D. This is more likely to come along with muscle pain and low energy levels. In certain cases, you may experience chronic sweating together with depression. The vitamin is stored in your liver, and it helps the body absorb calcium. Extremely low levels of the vitamin may cause your bones to become brittle. If you experience such symptoms, add vitamin D-rich foods, such as fortified milk, fatty fish, and egg yolks, to your diet. Mushrooms may also supply your body with enough vitamin D.

A Painful, Sore And Smooth Tongue

Not eating plenty of fruits and vegetables; drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and eating vegetables that are overcooked may cause folic acid deficiency. Lack of folic acid may cause your tongue to swell and develop sores. You may also experience diarrhea, gray hair growth, mouth ulcers and fatigue. Adults are required to consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. It is advisable for pregnant women to take approximately 600 micrograms of folic acid per day. To improve the aforementioned symptom, eat lentils, asparagus, peas, dark leafy greens and broccoli.

A Sore, Fissured Tongue

You can simply check your tongue to determine the levels of vitamins in your body. Your tongue should be typically pink and smooth on the edges. Indentations, abnormal coating and grooves may indicate that you lack vitamin B.

Try adding more peanuts, fish, green peas, sunflower seeds and avocado to your diet if you want to have a smooth tongue. Additionally, vitamin B3 may help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol as well as prevent or counter anemia, fatigue, headache and nausea.

Premature Graying Of Hair

Normally, genetic factors determine when you will first experience gray hair. However, gray hair may signal vitamin B-12 deficiency. This may be related to problems with thyroid or pituitary glands. Diet can help reverse or prevent this problem, according to WebMD. Be sure to include a lot of bran cereal, white meat, yogurt and salmon in your diet. Taking vitamin B-12 supplements may also help supply the body with the vitamin. The foods and supplements work by normalizing the functions of the brain and the nervous system.

Share this information with your family and friends if you notice such bodily signs. It is advisable to seek medical attention if symptoms persist.