Don't Expect A Reply Back From A Strong Woman Who Has Had Enough
Oct 29, 2018
Here's a basic fact of life: People tend to screw up. Nobody goes through life without making some mistakes. Life is a "learn on the job" experience, and some of us have more learning to do than others.
No one knows all the answers from the beginning. No handbook exists to tell you how you should live your life. But that's okay. Mistakes are a part of being human.
There are about a million places where we might make mistakes. We might make them in our job, in our relationships, or in our studies. But this is how we grow. We live and learn when it comes to both love and life. Not every relationship is meant to be successful.
You'll find yourself falling in love at inconvenient times, with inconvenient people. Or maybe you'll find the right person, but you won't treat her right. And then you'll lose her.
It's hard to help when you're falling for the wrong person or falling at the wrong time. But when you're with the right person, you don't want to lose that. Imagine this: You have a stable and loving relationship with a woman who knows who she is. She's driven and goal oriented.
She has aspirations and dreams to follow, and she doesn't make compromises for her pursuits. You love how strong and determined she is. You want to keep her around. But how do you manage that? Well, the best way is to avoid being a belittling and disrespectful misogynistic idiot.
These are 7 mistakes men make that will cause a strong woman to walk away.
1. You play hard to get.
Hard to get is a waste of time. If you two like each other, why bother complicating that?
Any woman worth her salt won't put up with that nonsense. An independent woman doesn't need to be in a relationship at all, let alone dealing with mind games. If you pretend not to be interested, she's not going to give you a second thought. She doesn't want to make herself desirable to you. She wants to get what she wants.
Don't play coy. Be open with your emotions and intentions.
2. You don't let her have individual growth.
If anybody wants to develop and grow as a human being, they need to face challenges. When you take care of her until she doesn't have any challenges to face, she's going to get upset.
She's not your daughter. She's your partner. Treat her like a whole person. Let her solve her own problems. Provide emotional support where you can, and give advice and help only if she asks for it.
3. You treat her with disrespect.
Okay, here's the thing. If a woman has to intimidate you before you'll show her respect, you're a misogynist. You should show respect to all the women in your life regardless of personality. The strong woman in your life knows she's worthy of respect. If you don't show it to her, she's going to walk away and find someone who will respect her. Don't miss your chance because of your own stupidity.
This means not making her into a mean joke. It also means respecting limitations and boundaries. Don't pressure her into things she doesn't want.
4. You make no efforts toward relationship advancement.
On a base level, a strong woman will be attracted to a strong man. But on a more personal level, you need to show that you care about the relationship. You need her to feel like you have a stake in it. If she feels like she's the only one contributing, she's going to walk out. She has better things to do than babysit someone who won't show the barest amount of interest.
If you're in a relationship with this woman, foster a system of open communication. Be honest regarding expectations. Talk about where you want the relationship to go. Take the initiative where you can, and set boundaries if she wants you to back off.
5. You act like an emotionless brick.
Yeah, yeah, men are socialized to hold their emotions in. That's true. But it's completely exhausting to be the one responsible for all the emotional management in a relationship. An ideal man is okay with showing both positive and negative emotions. He's not afraid to laugh when he finds a joke funny, or to share his joy, or to express his sadness.
A strong woman isn't going to waste time trying to peel back the layers of your emotional inadequacy. She's just going to find someone who can actually connect with her.
6. You need her support... and don't give yours.
It's okay to need someone sometimes. That's what relationships are for. But she should be able to need you, too. If she has to treat you like a child she's taking care of, she's going to walk away.
7. You're demeaning about her aspirations.
You don't know everything. Be confident, not arrogant. Strong women aren't interested in arrogant men. If you're so self-obsessed that you can't provide the absolute bare minimum of emotional support, she doesn't have any reason to stay.
Have you ever done any of these things? Do you tolerate them? Let us know! Pass this on to your friends and family. You never know who might need to read this!