Don't Be Afraid To Completely Cut Family Members Out Of Your Life
Oct 09, 2018
In life, we all must learn to live and work with different personalities.
Don't Be Afraid To Completely Cut Family Members Out Of Your Life
Most people in our society view the blood bonds of family as that of an unbreakable kinship. However, when a family relationship becomes toxic, it is perfectly okay to break those bonds and cut family members off.
Cut Off Any Negative Relationship That is Emotionally Depleting
In life, we all must learn to live and work with different personalities. However, we have to carefully choose the type of people we give our time and energy to. If we don't, we run the risk of experiencing real emotional and mental damage.
Cutting Offf Family Members Isn't Easy
It isn't easy to determine if someone is a negative influence on your life, especially if they are a relative. If you think you have a negative family member, be sure to look out for the following things:
1. They focus on the negative.
Instead of celebrating your accomplishments, they focus on all the things you've done wrong.
2. They always judge you.
Experiencing persistent criticism is a clear sign that being around your family member isn't healthy for you.
3. They're abusive of your energy.
Emotional and mental abuse is as real as physical abuse. If your family members are talking down to you, attacking you verbally or playing mind games, this is a form of abuse.
4. They blame you for their problems.
We are all only responsible for ourselves--don't let anyone trick you into feeling guilty for something you had no part in.
Don't be afraid to set limits in toxic familial relationships. Shannon Battle of Families Services of America notes that anyone one in a negative family situation must manage these poisonous relationships. While you can try to convince your family that they are having a negative impact on your life, your first step should be to set healthy boundaries. Don't allow these toxic family members the ability to compromise your emotional, mental or physical wellbeing.
The process you take to remove toxic family members from your life will feel strange. With all the emotions that go into family relationships, you must expect this process to disrupt your life.
Understand What is at Stake
Your mental stability is more important than the painful awkwardness that goes into removing toxic family members.
Though dissolving negative family relationships is uncomfortable, it is worth it. Removing negative people from your life is something you have to do if you hope to experience true joy. Whether they're family or friends shouldn't matter--your mental health should be your highest priority. If you have any tips or tricks for handling toxic family situations, don't hesitate to let us know your story.
Spread this post especially to your those friends and relatives who are over conservative towards their family members.