Doctors Told Her Mom She Would Only Survive A Few Days After Birth - 12 Years Later, She's A Walking Miracle
Aug 22, 2018
We always hope that doctors are wrong when they say our kids won't live for long. In this case, they were.
Some of the coolest miracles are the ones where doctors estimate that a new baby won't live, and that baby grows up into an adult despite the odds.
Kennedie Jourdin-Bromley is not quite an adult, but she still defied medics by living as long as she did. She has a condition called primordial dwarfism. She was only 11 inches and 2.5 lbs heavy when she was first born. The doctors delivered grim news to her mother and told her that she would most likely only survive for a couple of days. The reason was that a portion of her brain was damaged.
The hospital called her "Thumbelina" as a term of endearment and cared for her while she was there. They didn't expect much, but "Thumbelina" is still alive today.
Kennedie tries to live a full of a life as possible at 12 years old. She also has learning disabilities because of the brain damage. Her school has been very accommodating, however. Because of her condition, they've agreed to give the special assignments that allow her to excel in the things that she can do.
She enjoys cooking, and they give her a lot of cooking assignments.
Her mother is very proud of her for surviving and living her life to the fullest. Her daughter's condition still takes a toll on her, however, because she just doesn't know how long she's going to be with them.
The estimated lifespan for a person with primordial dwarfism is younger than 20 years old. She's already survived for 12 years, which is a miracle. However, her mother hopes for her to continue to live for many more decades.
Kennedie's teachers and classmates love her to death. They enjoy seeing all the empathy and compassion that she has for other people. Tell your loved ones about this heartwarming story.