Discover What The Size Of Your Toes Says About Your Future And Wealth

Mar 05, 2018

The characteristics of your feet can reveal a lot about your personality and even uncover your future! Foot reading has been practiced in China for thousands of years and according to studies, certain attributes are connected with people who share similar toe traits. Whether your second toe is longer than your big toe, or your baby toe is unusually small, each characteristic says something about you!

Even if you take it with a pinch of salt, it's still fun to know! Go on, we know you want to know what your feet say about you!


If your big toe is longer than your other toes: 


If your big toe is smaller than your other toes: You are a master multitasker



Your second toe is longer than your other toes: 


Your second toe is shorter than your other toes: 



Your third toe is longer than your other toes: 


Your third toe is shorter than your other toes: 



Your fourth toe is long and straight: 


Your fourth toe is shorter than the others: 



Your little toe is extra small: 


You are able to wiggle your little toe separately from the rest: 


You cannot move your little toe separately from the others: 


Want to know more about what your feet can tell you about your genealogy and ancestry? Watch this 30-second video now to find out where you could have come from based on the shape of your feet! 


Cute feet, ugly feet, long feet and short feet, they all say something about you! SHARE this interesting article with your friends and loved ones now and let them discover what their feet say about them!