Diet Miracle Cabbage Soup - Lose 14 Pounds In One Week
Nov 08, 2018
Have you ever heard about a diet that lets you eat a lot? That still helps you lose instead of gain weight? Yes, it's true and it's called the cabbage soup diet. Since the cabbage needs a lot of energy to be processed by your body, you can lose up to 14 pounds a week. This article will tell you how this diet works.
The cabbage soup diet is a crash diet which should only be followed for a week, as longer than that can lead to malnutrition symptoms. The rumor that cabbage is a so-called fat burner, however, has not been scientifically proven until now. The reason why you can lose weight so quickly using this method is the fact, that your body needs to burn more calories than you eat.
How The Cabbage Soup Diet Works

For one whole week, cabbage soup is your daily meal. To make sure it doesn't get boring you can add side dishes made of fruit, meat or vegetables. But you have to use the cabbage soup to sate your hunger.
Day 1
In the morning, at noon and in the evening your food is cabbage soup. On this day you can eat as much fruit as you want as a side dish. Aside from bananas that is.
Day 2
You can't eat fruit on this day. The cabbage soup is served with raw or steamed vegetables, but no beans, lentils or peas. In the evening you can treat yourself to a baked potato with some butter.
Day 3
On the third day you may eat fruit and vegetables, of course again as a side dish to cabbage soup. Potatoes and bananas are a no-go though.
Day 4
You can finally treat yourself to a banana and if you want to spice up your cabbage soup, you can do that with skimmed milk.
Day 5
Today, in addition to the main course consisting of cabbage soup, you can eat approx. 9-10 ounces of turkey or beef meat. As an alternative you can also eat six pieces of tomato with some fish.
Day 6
Today your food of choice is, of course, again cabbage soup and fish or beef as a side dish. Green leafy vegetables are also part of your diet today.
Day 7
You're almost there! Today is the last day of the diet and there is a little variety with as much brown rice and fruit juice as you want. Of course, this should be without added sugar.
The Basic Recipe
2 green peppers
1 white cabbage
3 carrots
1 bunch of celery
1/2 lb mushrooms
2 cans of diced tomatos
1 pack of onion soup mix
some garlic
6 cups of vegetable juice
5 cups of vegetable or chicken broth
Cut the ingredients into small pieces and let them simmer for about an hour. If you want the soup to be a bit more spicey, you can also add a chili pepper. This also helps with digestion, among other things.
Is The Cabbage Soup A Miracle Diet?
The cabbage soup diet will hardly be successful in the long run, as it is a crash diet. So if you have an important or special event coming up, this diet might be the fastest way to lose some weight. However, it should be noted that the body only loses protein and water.
The danger of such diets is the great risk of the yo-yo effect, so the cabbage soup diet does not deserve to be called a super diet. If you want to achieve long-term positive effects, you have to be willing to change something permanently. A one-week crash diet will hardly help, except that you may gain more pounds in the long-term than you lose in the short-term.
If you are interested in the cabbage soup diet, you should know that it can only produce limited long-term results. Still a good thing if you need to lose a bit of weight quickly. Show this article to your friends, so they can try out the recipe for themselves!
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