Dad Of Three Dies After Phone Explodes While Charging
Jun 28, 2018
One question that we ask a lot is this- Just how safe ARE our smartphones? We want to believe that they are perfectly safe, especially when we are using them on a daily, if not hourly, basis. We have all heard about radiation concerns, but are there other issues we should worry about?
One example is volume. When you are wearing earphones, is the volume too high? You could be damaging your hearing if it is. Also, do you ever worry that your phone is getting too hot? Our phones become hotter after extended use and when they are in the process of being charged. It is still a debate whether or not this is an issue. You probably plug your phone in multiple times a day. This act alone could pose a risk to yourself and well-being.
You’ll think twice when you read this next story!
Nazrin Hassan was the CEO of Cradle Fund, a company that helps fund tech startups. Hassan died after his cell phone exploded while it was charging.
He was only 45-years-old when he died when one of his smartphones exploded. He was charging a Huawei and Blackberry when one of the two exploded, subsequently starting a fire inside of his bedroom. Hassan’s brother-in-law thinks that he was killed by pieces of the phone flying apart. No one knows which phone was the one to explode. However, emergency rescue personnel believe that the cause of death was smoke inhalation.
This story is not the first of its kind, unfortunately. Another story concerning cell phones ended in tragedy as well. A 17-year-old girl named Luiza Fernanda Ghama was killed when she was using her phone while charging it. (Photo) Ghama had her earphones in while she was charging her cell phone. The earphones melted in her ears and it is believed she died of electric shock. According to a hospital director, there was no rain at the time of her accident, but they were experiencing a lightning storm when the phone malfunctioned.
Five Ways to Prevent a Fire
1. Use the Original Charger
Always use the original charger the phone came with. If it breaks or gets lost, purchase the same one. If you cannot find the same brand, choose a more expensive brand name charger. It’s tempting to buy cheap chargers, but these pose a risk to both your battery and your health. These chargers have probably not passed any type of guidelines.
2. Buy the Right Battery
You may need to replace your phone battery. If so, call the manufacturer and ask them how to purchase one directly from their company. The battery is safer coming from them.
3. Avoid Direct Sunlight on Your Phone
Always put your smartphone in a shady area. Never leave it in direct sunlight. You also do not want to cover up your smartphone with clothes, blankets, pillows, or any other item that could cause excessive heat to the phone.
4. Don’t Overcharge Your Phone
It’s actually bad for your battery to keep your phone charging after it reaches 100% battery power. It may also pose a health risk. Make sure to unplug it after it completely charges to prevent it from overheating.
5. Avoid Excessive Pressure
Never pile anything on your phone as it is charging.
Follow these five tips to ensure your health is safe and your smartphone does not explode or get damaged. Remember the old saying- better safe than sorry! Have you ever had a cell phone explode or become damaged in any way while it was charging? Let us know your story - you could help save someone’s life!