Couple Gives Dog Up Near The End Of His Life To Shelter Because He's 'Stupid'
Mar 11, 2019
Domestic animals depend on humans to give them love and affection while also providing them with food and shelter. While many adopted dogs find their forever home with their first owner, not all dogs are so lucky.
That was the unfortunate fate that Figgy, an 18-year-old black poodle, found himself in right before the holidays. Figgy's male owner dropped him off at the local animal shelter for the most surprising reasons.
As dogs age, they naturally start to lose control of their body, including their ability to walk and urinate properly. Figgy was no different, as he was diagnosed with arthritis and was left with a very noticeable limp.
According to the dog's owner, Figgy also had quite a few potty accidents, leaving the man's wife frustrated and angry. In addition to the arthritis and urinating problems, Figgy was also blind and had difficulty getting around. Due to those reasons, the owners chose to turn him into the Muttville Senior Dog Rescue.
Perhaps the most hurtful thing the owner did when turning Figgy in to the Muttville Senior Dog Rescue was refer to the sweet, elderly dog as "stupid." Right on the intake application - clear as day - the devastating words were printed in black and white.
Thankfully, the good people at Muttville refused to allow Figgy to live out the rest of his days at a busy animal shelter. They searched far and wide and came across the perfect new owner for Figgy - a loving foster mom with plenty of hospice care experience named Eileen.
Eileen gladly agreed to take Figgy in and care for him during his final days. This sweet, lovable pup was given a second chance at life - and at the perfect time. Eileen picked Figgy up just in time for the holidays, so the cute pup with the always-wagging tail and silly tongue sticking out had a home just in time for Christmas.
Isn't it heartwarming to hear stories like this that have a happy ending? If you're a lover of animals and this story spoke to you, be sure to pass it along to your friends to warm their hearts as well.