Confused Beaver Becomes Surprising Leader Of 150 Cows And The Internet Is Cracking Up.

Mar 11, 2019

This beaver became an unexpected leader of a cattle herd in Canada. Watch how this small creature surprisingly came to rule over 150 cows.

Cows Are Curious Creatures

While cows might not seem like curious or smart animals when they are standing around in a field, they are gentle creatures who have plenty of curiosity.

Young cows are especially curious about the world around them, including other animals.

They Do Things Differently in Canada

Canadian farmers are known for doing things a little differently.

The vastness of the Canadian prairies and the long Canadian winters means a lot more chores and herding to do. Cattle herds in Canada require careful management so that the cows do not succumb to the extreme weather or the many predators.

What Some Farmers Saw One Day

One day, a pair of Canadian farmers were out in their field.

They saw something unusual. They had to get out their phones and record it.

Just telling people would not be enough, because what they saw was so unusual that few people would be likely to believe it.

What the Beaver Did

The farmers saw a beaver in front of their herd of 150 young heifers. The beaver seemed to be leading the cows somewhere. The cows were curious about this animal, which sort of resembles a funny looking dog, especially if you are a cow.

What the Cows Did

Each time the beaver moved, the cows moved in the same direction. When the beaver stopped, the cows stopped. One cow was particularly curious and got closer. The beaver turned around and sort of arched its back at the herd. This did not stop the cows.

The cows continued to follow the beaver until the beaver found a way to get out of their line of vision.

What the Farmers Thought

The farmers could hardly believe what they saw. They were amused at the sight of their herd following a beaver. They wondered what was going through the minds of the cows as well as what was going through the brain of the beaver.

They wondered if maybe the cows wanted to play with the beaver, just get close enough to smell it or if they thought it was a new dog trying to lead the herd.

They ended up uploading the footage on social media with the caption:

“How do we move 150 heifers in Canada?”

The video has since been viewed over 250 000 times.

What do you think about this beaver? Was it too busy for its own good? Let us know your thoughts about this funny story and don't forget to show this video to your friends!