Choose A Crystalline Shape And It Will Reveal Unresolved Past Life Karma
Feb 09, 2018
Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to solve certain problems in your life. This can lead to frustration, sadness, and guilt leading you to question your seemingly bad luck. But perhaps it is not your luck that is bad, but rather unsettled karma from your past lives. Your soul has decided to use this lifetime to try to heal this karmic wounding. This is why we sometimes face mysterious difficulties that revolve around certain aspects of our lives such as relationships, self-respect, health, and financial success. When we are able to distinguish what our specific karmic challenges are, we are in a better position to understand why we face these hardships. Having this knowledge will empower you to make wiser and impactful choices.
These crystalline shapes will help you identify what you need to work on. Without overthinking, select the shape that draws you in the most.

Crystalline formation 1 represents:

Determining what are the toxic relationships in your life and how to let them go healthily. In life, we form many different types of relationships. We share experiences with friends, family, lovers, and even co-workers. Perhaps there are a few relationships that are not entirely beneficial. In your past life, you may have been ignored and abandoned by the people you love. You thought that they would be there for you unconditionally, but you somehow found yourself alone and uncared for. That past experience could lead you to want to blindly think the best of everyone. You may not be able to see if they are mistreating you because your past life created such loneliness. In this life, you hold on to relationships even though you are causing pain and damage to yourself.
In the end, you are left wounded, and most likely, alone again. It is necessary for you to understand that you cannot change other people's core personalities. No matter how much you love them, if it is karmically challenged, they will most likely hurt you. Look for warning signs and always rely on your intuition. Realize that moving on and letting go of toxic relationships are the best things you can do in order to have karmic healing. When you are able to let go of toxic relationships, there is now room for true, loving relationships to come into your life.
Crystalline formation 2 represents:
Self-doubt and sabotaging your goals In your past lives, you may have made some unwise decisions which lead to life-changing losses - physically, mentally, and financially. This leads you to be impaired by a lack of self-confidence in this life. But keep in mind that all humans make mistakes. Everyone falls, but what is more important is how we pick ourselves up. Take stock of all of the positive achievements in your life. Stay motivated and be a lifelong learner. In the end, it is only your opinion of yourself that matters. Know that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle and stay true to yourself.
Crystalline formation 3 represents:
Inability to have faith in other people In your past life, you, unfortunately, suffered betrayal at the hands of people you trusted. That treasonous behavior makes it hard for you to develop trust with people in this life. You are not sure whom you can trust and why. You are probably aware of people who have needed you to trust them, but you have always been hesitant. There is some barrier in you preventing you from being able to be fully open with someone. Be patient and allow yourself a few months to get to know the person well. At first, you may not know how to proceed but soon you will see the karmic signs. Harness your intuition and then decide if the person should gain a place of trust in your life. There are times when having faith and trusting in other people can restore faith in yourself.